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Men may become extinct....


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Scientists are now predicting men will cease to be by the year 2050! Women will rule the planet and therefore all men will simply disappear due to irrelevance say the boffins. "Women have been able to conceive without men for years now, but at present we still have our uses. However women scientists are working in the background to see us off," said one egghead.


"We have proof of women designing computer aided parking devices allowing them to step away from the car and watch it park itself," he went on. "They also have machines to open jars, change wheels and even collect spiders from the bath!"


But other male boffins are relaxed about impending extinction laughing "it will never happen. If all the men disappear who will run the world's top restaurants, the women of the world will soon get bored of steak n' chips."


A female scientist agrees pointing out some obvious facts. "No men on the planet," she said almost horrified at the thought. "Who would we moan at each day, the kids a computer? There's no fun in that and besides could you imagine the whole planet all with PMT at the same time, once we all synchronize, we would kill each other in a heart- beat," she concluded.

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Ooooooh I think we're getting into the realms of fantasy now.

When I was in the fire service I had a female firefighter on my crew, but I wouldn't let her enter a burning building unless she was accompanied by an adult.

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I thought men had ceased years ago ... or is that become obsolete???? They're still around, yes, but only because we choose to let them think they 'rule' the world ... gotta let the little darlings think they have a purpose in life haven't we! :-D
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