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letters in mmm


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Dave - couldn't agree more about Andy Stothert's articles and his magnificent photographs.


I also agree about some of the regular site reviewers who concentrate solely on CC sites, not really adding anything that is not on their website or in the sites book. Maybe there are less articles to read now (can't check as I don't have room to store them now) as I seem to get through reading each issue much quicker these days.


Sorry Bruce, your suggestion would do nothing for me nor, I suspect, for many of the other females. Realise you were only joking - or were you???


Anyway, all this chat about articles in the new issue, MINE HAS NOT ARRIVED YET!

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tazdog6007 - 2010-03-25 11:18 AM


does the editor read the letters in the mag. some woman was droning on about her sat nav for almost a whole page.she even calls it brenda! lets have interesting problems or advice,not someone boring on about something that is probably her only friend.



My problem with the letters page in the mag is that some of the letters are so long, with acres of boring detail - so I don't bother to read them.


Maybe they could restrict the number of words - anything above that limit would then be classed as an " article" and ( if appropriate ) published elsewhere in the mag.





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I agree with a lot of the comments already made:

Very useful when new to motorhoming - far more in it than other mags but sometimes I skip the long letters.

Have had things published and have been promised a final pitch (it remains to be seen .................)

Always something of interest, and still after over a year's subscription read 80-90% and the other half reads the bits I don't


But isn't it the same with the forum - lots of useful stuff, some irrelevent to me, and some drivel - the only difference is I have to pay for MMM - but I'm working on getting it back each year by writing things that pay - Letters don't :-(

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BGD - 2010-03-26 12:30 AM


Looked through every page, in some deatils, and can now tell you why MMM is no good:


No tits.




The Sun sells 3 million copies day.

There is no news in it at all. But cracking tits on page three.


Come on MMM......sex sells, you know it, and we know it.


What about a bonkability score for those pull down beds.

Some in-depth articles on where to store your fetish clothes?

And whether the sandwich walls will support bondage chain brackets?

A page three girlie draped over the bonnet of the new Burstner 6400 csi gls xl v2 4 door super trouper.


Reports on a visit to Kinkfest in Amsterdam in your Hymer 540......and how many after-party guests you managed to fit in for a spliff and coke in the swilvel chair lounge.


Now that sort of thing would reallly perk up the readership numbers.





BGD - Andy Stothert had a pic of his missus b*ll*ck-naked in an article about Europe last year. Unfortunately, she had her back to the camera!


Very cleverly done though ;-)

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BGD - Andy Stothert had a pic of his missus b*ll*ck-naked in an article about Europe last year. Unfortunately, she had her back to the camera!Very cleverly done though ;-)

If Andy Stothert's wife has b*ll*cks, I'm glad that we were spared the sight! :-D
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(does the editor read the letters in the mag. some woman was droning on about her sat nav for almost a whole page.she even calls it brenda! lets have interesting problems or advice,not someone boring on about something that is probably her only friend)

Quote by taztog6007




as mentioned before brian Kirby needs to answer ;-)

the author was carole kirby (lol)

or maybe hes just embarrassed about having a sat nav called brenda :->

come on brian... lets have a post ;-)


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