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Rodents in Motorhome


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Hi any advice on getting rid of mice.Located activity under the sink unit,removed nest and baited.Dead mice located in small waste bin under sink.But convinced there are poss more.


Just purchased my Rambo outfit,ready to do battle.


Tony..... :-D

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Guest peter
If you can hook up to mains, there are ultrsonic deterrents that plug into a socket that are supposed to scare them away, rats and all rodents.
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Yes, I agree. Found house mice in my garage last year and got in a bit of a panic because they just gnaw away at everything including electrical wire.

I used traps baited with chocolate but I am told peanut butter is everybit as good. Good thing about traps is that you have the dead animal and can dispose of it. They do get "Trap Shy" so after a couple of days it is wise to leave the traps baited but not set for a couple of days to allow the remainder to get brave again. Once they were cleared I purchased a couple of sonic devices and have not seen any sign of a mouse since.

Good luck.

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I had mice in the loft, they learned to avoid the traps, and even ate the bait so carefully the trap did not go off, I even filed the trigger mechanism!


The ultrasonics did not work.


The poison worked a bit but I think they learned to avoid that as well, they actually covered up the tray of bait with small stones and debris!


They are clever little buglers, then I found the best solution of all, moth balls, they hate the smell, after a week they were gone, so if you can put up with the smell give it a try.


PS, you won't get any moths as well!



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I use metal self traps and use ultra fine emery to make the so sensitive they go off when you breathe on them. Use bits of mars bar but before setting wash all trace of human off the traps as they are shy of close human contact. See the American exhaustive test on all sonic and ultrasonic devices - they don't work. I used to use poison in my stores tent when I courieried abroad but the stench took your breath awat till the little buggers had dried up.
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I've had mice in my Van, used a trap baited with chocolate to clear them out, then used a 9V. Battery powered sonic 'Screamer' which kept them out, I've since bought a mains powered sonic 'Screamer' as I can now plug into the mains with the van parked up. I think that if you already have rodents in your Van/Home/shed the sonic 'screamers' won't get rid of them on their own.

But they DO stop them from taking up residence if the 'Screamer' is already there.

In my experience anyway, thats in Van and Shed. Ray

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Thanks everyone.

Plenty of good tips to try out,checked the bait today.No activity so fingers crossed.


God help the fellow campers at Rudding park.Booked for 3 day Easter break,so any mouse activity and the screams will be loud,ha ha


Tony...... :-D

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duetto owner - 2010-03-29 2:56 PM


place a saucer of anti freeze under the motorhome, rodents love the stuff so much they die for it. also put some strong smelling food down to so they pick the scent.


just hope they do not die in the motorhome and cause a smell


Several dogs and cats were poisoned near us last year by people using food laced with antifreeze to advise the open use of poison in such a way is not such a good idea



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