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travel to turkey


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I suggest you try a pm to Don Madge, who has just done this trip.  I think he's still in transit somewhere (Crete?  Yes I know that's not Turkey, but he keeps moving around!), so you may have to wait a bit for a reply.  However, he's a fund of information and generally very generous with his replies.
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I drove to Turkey in March 2009 via Italy, Albania, Macedonia and Greece. Returned via Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic. I did the journey in a 4 x 4 not a MH but willing to help all I can with other advice. By the way, I loved the trip and with the exception of Albania, all the countries and would like to repeat the experience in our MH sometime.
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G'day Sssnake.Could you tell me, in one sentance or less!, what the roads were like.  Perhaps a better question would be... "Can one find enough good roads so as not to destroy the van?!"


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Our MH is our pride and joy but I'd repeat our journey in it without any qualms. That's one sentence...........................


On the whole, the roads we travelled were good. There were of course exceptions but they were generally not that bad that you would expect your vehicle to sustain any significant damage provided the speed at which you drive is sensible. I don't mean Sunday driver sensible, just not excessive.


The worst roads ere in Albania, particularly the stretch between Durres port and Tirhana although thereafter the roads all the way to the Macedonian border were OK but bendier than a bendy thing on a bendy day in Bendyland.



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hymer1942 - 2010-03-29 5:23 PM


Thinking of going to Turkey via Hungary,Romania and Bulgaria any info would be very welcome. Barrie


Hi Barrie,


We plan to be at the Northern show at Preston so if you are there we can have a get together and discuss Turkey.



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  • 2 weeks later...
I arranged the insurance with my current insurance company, fully disclosed my route and the additional premium was less than £60. Best tip I can give though is to ensure you have your V5 document. You simply won't cross any non EU border without it.
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Sssnake - 2010-04-17 8:56 PM


I arranged the insurance with my current insurance company, fully disclosed my route and the additional premium was less than £60. Best tip I can give though is to ensure you have your V5 document. You simply won't cross any non EU border without it.




Can you tell us who your insurer is please.


I'm sitting in a taverna in Crete after a very hot day.


Safe travelling.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest JudgeMental
Sssnake - 2010-04-30 11:16 PM


I was in a 4 x 4 (a Toyota Shogun) not my MH.



Interesting.......Is it a cut and shut? would love a pic.


Mitsubishi build shoguns, and Toyota Land cruisers :D

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JudgeMental - 2010-05-01 6:54 PM


Sssnake - 2010-04-30 11:16 PM


I was in a 4 x 4 (a Toyota Shogun) not my MH.



Interesting.......Is it a cut and shut? would love a pic.


Mitsubishi build shoguns, and Toyota Land cruisers :D





I don't half feel really, really stupid JudgeMental!!!!


'twas a Toyota Landcruiser (53 plate).................................... and the insurance company was Zurich.


By the way, my MH is a Dethmerburst............................. I'll get my coat.


Hope that helps?

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Further tip ... be prepared to pay a brib..., sorry, the local expression was 'tax' to enter Albania at the port of Durres. I sailed on a ferry from Bari . (Imagine basic then add ultra economy to the description).


Similar thing happened at the Albanian / Macedonian border (on the Macedonian side). Paid €10 at each of 3 'check' points to enter!


Macedonia was very beautiful though. We were stopped for speeding en-route to the Greek border (we were not speeding) but the cop asked us which football team we supported. My friend answered Man Utd and the cop waved us on ... brilliant!

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