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theiving scum part2


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Just an update to my previous posting.


My cctv installation was finished today.

The engineer has fitted 4x fixed cameras,3 of which look at the campervan. Each camera is linked to a external pir detector which time dates the recording so i do not have to look at a list of motion sensor recordings which are really false alarms which are set off by changing daylight.


I can look at my cameras at my office on my pc via a message on my mobile phone. Incidently the engineer is also a motorhomer and i would recomend him to anyone.

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Hi, two points, the forst have you a CCTV sign that can be seen by the theiving scum, if not it willbe you in the dock and not them.

second, who do you think will come even if you do get film of them, the useless police we have these days, I don,t thing so.

its all a total waste of time, been there and done it so I know.


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Guest JudgeMental
I think I agree.....If they want it, they will take it, and probably wave at the cameras and smile. All you can do is beef up security, tracker etc..... and have decent insurance *-)
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terry1956 - 2010-03-29 8:22 PM


Hi, two points, the forst have you a CCTV sign that can be seen by the theiving scum, if not it willbe you in the dock and not them.

What makes you think that then?



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terry1956 - 2010-03-29 8:22 PM


Hi, two points, the forst have you a CCTV sign that can be seen by the theiving scum, if not it willbe you in the dock and not them.

second, who do you think will come even if you do get film of them, the useless police we have these days, I don,t thing so.

its all a total waste of time, been there and done it so I know.



We had a similar system installed after continued harassment from a neighbour - it took a long while but we got a result eventually. (we ended up renewing the cameras twice as each film was 'not quite clear enough - at night'. Police advised us that as long as you don't point cameras to neighbours doors or windows there is no problem and you don't need signs. ;-)

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Hi, YOU DO NEED SIGNS, even the police need to place signs these days if they set up covert cameras. I remember when i lived in Exouth, after a lot of door mirrors being ripped off parked cars night after night, the police set up cameras, they also had to set up some very large signs stating that police covert cameras are watching the area. yes it stopped the attacks for a time put thye started again when the signs went. On asking the police why they placed signs the answer was that no court would take action if the sign warning was not in place. This is an EU directive and its the same across europe.


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The placing or not of signs to indicate CCTV cameras are in operation is governed by the data protection act. The rather complicated act can be interpreted in many way but the under lying principal is to protect the private rights of a person.

If you walk on to the driveway of a house that is recording CCTV images you are on private property and hence have little if any claim to your privacy. If the cameras are recording in a public place or a business premises the situation is totally different.

The general rule of thumb is that signage is not required for private residences but is for business and public places.

Certain public authorities like councils may deploy covert CCTV to catch fly tippers. However they will probably use signs as they are more interested in the deterrent factor.


Just because you have a CCTV system does not mean the police will take action if you report a crime. If they judge the images to be of poor quality with no chance of an identification they will give it minimal time.


Good quality images invariably produce a result. An article in the The Times (25/11/09) as to the usefulness of CCTV quoted a detective as saying "I read these things open-mouthed and think, why does nobody ask me about this. Almost everycase we have that has a breakthrough has CCTV material."


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Maybe what the above says is correct,I only know what I have found out the hard way by taking action in the courts, they will be asking for information on any signs placed, I no I have been there. And yes they did get off before anyone asks. Its one rule for us and a whole set of rights for the scum. and one more thing its all free for them to get some do gooder lawer to look for angles to get them off the hook. the wrongs i made,

1st. the cameras showed part of the road ( not to hard as the camera was set up to show my driveway)

2nd. black and white footage did not show hair colour or colour of jackets of the people breaking in, so even thoe you could ID them from police records, there ID was not 100% certain so they got off.


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We have one of those security lights that switch on when anyone comes on our drive. The difference is that hours has a small box that plugs into a mains socket in the house and sounds an alarm when the light goes on. We have it plugged into a timer to stop it going off all day. If it does go off and we see we have a problem all we need to do is push the panic button on the house alarm system. Helps having a couple of cops living next door. Simple to install, cheap to buy and probably effective. I can't remember where we got it but it was either B & Q or Homebase and cost around £30.


You could say that if they are bold enough they will ignore the alarm, but why should they hang around and risk trouble? Would you?

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Forgot to mention the cameras are also monitored at a central station so when the sensors are activated the central station look in to see what is happening. Also my nearest police station is only 3 mile away so hopefully if any incident happened the police would hopefully arrive quickly.


Cost excluding central station monitoring--£1200



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Its not just the theft of the vehicle. I had the bonnet, front grill and head lights removed overnight from my works van and that was in a secure compound with CCTV and being monitored The police arrived 4 hours after being called. They tried to steal the Bumper of my daughters Fiesta in Cardiff this week ,she spotted them. rang the police they turned up 15 min later. the Rat bags did a runner when they heard 2 tones .No not the Police an ambulance on its way the local hospital They still did £180 worth of Damage.The police were supposed to be patrolling the area as they have done 15 vehicles in the last week.Most annoying thing is they know who it is and can't touch them until they are caught in the act.
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Not a motorhome I know but one of our sons had three complete sets of alloys nicked from his car when staying at the Hilton in Leeds despite CCTV and locking wheel nuts. The police told him they had a problem with this in that area.


After the third lot he booked his entire consulting team out and moved to quite country pub run by a retired London Chief. No more trouble and according to him the best meals they had ever had.

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