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Herri - 2010-03-31 11:05 AM


For those who dont speak French, where do you click?




When you open the web link provided click on the Autoroute 2002 image top right and download and save to desktop. Once done right click on icon on desktop and select open with command and browse to find MSAutoroute. The file is quite old so if you have a newer version of Autoroute it will have to convert. Once open in MSAutoroute you have the opportunity to save them for easy future use.



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David thanks for this link. I have followed your advice and downloaded the file without problems. However, I then get a message that Word cannot open the file. Looked in the properties, unblocked it but it makes no difference. Any ideas please?
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Patricia - 2010-03-31 5:48 PM


David thanks for this link. I have followed your advice and downloaded the file without problems. However, I then get a message that Word cannot open the file. Looked in the properties, unblocked it but it makes no difference. Any ideas please?




Can't claim credit for the link, it was Andy that posted it. I could not open the file in Word and did not investigate further how that could be done as the file does not really seem to be designed to be use as a stand alone document. Its really for use in the MSAutoroute program as it imports pushpin into Autoroute.



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If you highlight the 'banner' on the web site it shows it's an .AXE file (correct for AutoRoute) but when you download it the extension shows as .DOC which is a file type native to Word.

What you'll need to do is rename the .DOC extension and replace it with .AXE and accept the error message that warns about changing the name.

I couldn't open it by double-clicking on it and instead had to launch AutoRoute first.  Once AutoRoute is running you can finally load the file.

I've ditched AutoRoute 2010 and have gone back to AutoRoute 2007 and changed their saved 'Political Map' layout back to a 'Road Map' layout/colour scheme.

Hope this helps.


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Many thanks for this info W2G, I will give it a go later on. I wish technology would stand still for a bit to give me a chance to catch up. When computer use first started I used to teach computer studies - the advances left me behind years ago!!
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Way2Go - 2010-04-01 6:46 AM

I've ditched AutoRoute 2010 and have gone back to AutoRoute 2007 and changed their saved 'Political Map' layout back to a 'Road Map' layout/colour scheme.

Hope this helps.


Can I ask why, I've downloaded the 60 day trial but not fired it up yet I'm waiting until I do a longer trip.
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Hi Lenny,

I mainly use AutoRoute to plan trips and have all the Caravan Club and Camping & Caravan Club sites in a file.  If we then decide to visit an area or region I lookup the appropriate CL or CS and by opening a convenient pushpin I can read all the details about it (see picture below).

When I opened the same file in AutoRoute 2010 all it showed was the name of the site with no details at all.

I've tried various conversion packages and have re-imported the base data but cannot get it to give me more than just the name . . . . so, I've gone back to the older version.

I might have another go if I ever get bored but in the meantime I'm back to working with the older version.

There isn't anything wrong with the software as such it's just that planning where to stay is my main use and the 2010 version won't give me what the 2007 version will.

I hope that makes sense?



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Thanks for the info, I use it like you in the UK.

Abroad I use it for route planning & navigation with a GPS receiver, the voice commands are a bit limited in 2007, usually have the satnav running at the same time.

If I can find the time I'll load 2010 on one of my home PC's and have a play.





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