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As the election has been anounced today for May 6, and there is a dire shortage of suitable candidates (Eton Dave and Gay Gordon), we should all Vote Fred.

Fred is much more sensible than the two frontstumblefeckers, and has been criticised on the Fiat/Peugeot/etcDefective transmission thread as being Not Funny. If you don't believe me just go there and see for yourself. Unbelievable, but true.

Well, come to think of it, he may not the comic the other two are, but still, Fred deserves your vote. You know it makes sense.

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Not sure this is a truly "motorhome matter" your Stothertship, but we may know more what Fred unveils his manifesto. 

However, in the meantime, I have it on good authority, from a confidential source, that he would fully abolish the national insurance levy, abolish all tax and duty on cyder, and spend the whole of the benefit on cyder for all Englishmen, though I hear he may be inclined to double the allowance for Cornishmen.  To pay for this generous measure, he will abolish Her Majesty's Treasury and sell off Buckingham Palace, together with the incumbents of both.

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more like blow up the tamar bridge, me ansums, to keep out old welsh cocknees like roopert 12 (or is it 3) from soilin our duchy. mind you my luvvers with deesel down yer of over 1.25 i don suppose we'll see the likes of e anyway.



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The Decorator - 2010-04-06 10:35 PM


My father had a remedy for sinking red TVO


That brings back memories I lived on a farm untill i was 14 yr old we had a Fordson tractor after crancking it into life on petrol you had to switch over to TVO ,My summer holidays were spent driving the tractor pulling a hay loader(pre baler)around our fields during the hay makeing season, so after that driving a motorhome is easy-peasy! (lol)

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Auntyjanet1!!! A 14 year old driving a tractor with a hay baler!! Where were all the 'elf an' s'fty guys. Fat chance of doing it now. But a vote for Fred will wipe them out with a stroke



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Clive - 2010-04-07 10:15 PM


Totally disagree,

My vote stays with Joanna Lumley. (Or Marrion)





I can understand you wanting Joanna Lumley (for PM of course!), but Marrion? I assume you mean little Attilla Sit Nag Fag Ash Stothert? If so, just imaging what Andy would be like as her supporter ... Margaret Thatcher and Dennis come to mind (minus the drink ... I think!). 8-) (lol)

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fred grant - 2010-04-06 10:30 PM


more like blow up the tamar bridge, me ansums, to keep out old welsh cocknees like roopert 12 (or is it 3) from soilin our duchy. mind you my luvvers with deesel down yer of over 1.25 i don suppose we'll see the likes of e anyway.




Damn right their Fred, the only few times I have been to Cornwall it has poured with rain and even worse not a mountain in site, boring landscape, few nice beaches, if you can find one in the rain that is. About the only good things were pasties and clotted cream, they gave up making decent pasties long ago and I can now get clotted cream teas in the village where I live. Oh yes and they all speak with a funny accent that is worse to understand than Welsh.

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