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Camping Cheques

Geoff Tuckley

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Geoff Tuckley - 2010-04-14 1:15 PM


Does anyone know about these cheques and how to purchase/use them?

I am told they can be used at some sites in Europe to reduce the cost of your stay. Also, can they be used all year round.




Details of Camping Cheques here http://www.campingcheque.co.uk/ They can be purchased as paper cheques or electronically using either a Silver or Gold Card. The latter has more advantages but it comes at a price od about 3 cheques. You can search the campsites that accept them on the website and you can download the site directory as a .pdf file. Each site has different dates when it accepts the cheques but this is clearly shown. You also might want to consider the ACSI Card http://www.campingcard.co.uk/gb/en/home/uc33-l2-n253/ which has better coverage in some countries. The main difference between the two is that with Camping Cheques you have to pay fro them upfront but with the ACSI Card you pay as you go along.



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You can also get them through the Caravan Club. We have used them for years with no problems. There are a lot of sites that accept them and generally you will save several euros a night. We have never pre booked and never had any problem in getting onto a site though we normally aim to arrive before 16.00. Its a good flexible system which means you can move when you wish. If it is wet we will look at the TV forecast and head towards where the sun is shining.
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We also find them useful but are for out of season use, some sites are a little on the remote side, (which is why they try to attract business) if you like to be near civilisation some research is advisable. In addition areas such as the S of France can be tricky on either side of the date limits.
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try to work out how many you may need and use them before they expire!! I had four left over and it has just cost me 14 Euros + 1 Euro a cheque and 88p to send them to France for exchange which wipes out the advantage of using them. I bought 10 of them in Denmark and asked if I did not use them all could I exchange them in England and was told this was ok only to find out that was incorrect
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