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Aires/Stellplatze on the Rhine


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Has anyone any recommendations regarding stopovers between Emmerich an Rhine and Koblenz? We are intending to tour in that area and back down the Moselle into France. Last year we found a nice place at Minheim on the Moselle going up from Trier but we intend to come down from the top this time. Any help would be appreciated. (lol)
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We stayed at Bad Soberheim it is a lovely Stal we stayed there 5 nights also beside the Rhine at Bacharach. If you can pick up the Best Stals book you will find a few in there, but I wouldnt worry they are a few just follow it and look in each town along the way, but we didnt find as many as on the Mosel.
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maggyd - 2010-04-16 5:06 PM


We stayed at Bad Soberheim it is a lovely Stal we stayed there 5 nights also beside the Rhine at Bacharach. If you can pick up the Best Stals book you will find a few in there, but I wouldnt worry they are a few just follow it and look in each town along the way, but we didnt find as many as on the Mosel.



Scratch Bad Sobenheim ! We came the other way , up the Mosel from Trier to Koblenz then down the Rhine, we stopped at Bacharach and then on to Bingen, we cant have found another stop as the next place was Bad Sobenheim which is away from the Rhine on the way to Luxembourg I think we had one night at a stal at Bostelsee then Stenay.


Sorry I wasn't more help.

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bigal - 2010-04-16 10:16 AM


Has anyone any recommendations regarding stopovers between Emmerich an Rhine and Koblenz? We are intending to tour in that area and back down the Moselle into France. Last year we found a nice place at Minheim on the Moselle going up from Trier but we intend to come down from the top this time. Any help would be appreciated. (lol)


Well, I really like the stellplatz in Koln; Dusseldorf Tonhallenufer is great as well, due to its proximity to the Altstadt, but no facilities.


Pics of both, & locations on the map, at:



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