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UK Holiday Tour

Hymer C 9.

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Left home on Wednesday for the start of this years trip, not sure where it will take us, or how long but have to call in at home for July 4th so apart from that not sure what will happen.


First off we made our way to Carmarthen travelling down through Balla Machylleth, Dolgellau, Corris, then Abereron and Newuay, the weather was beautiful with sunshine all the way, we passed a lot of sites in beautiful settings on the banks of rivers. Had to stop in Aberaeron for a walk around and a Honey Ice cream they were just as good as I remembered.


Then on to New Quay where we had our evening meal overlooking the harbour, then we found a quiet CCC CL for £5 for the night with toilets and showers.


Then on to the show at Camarthen where we had a great week end with Motorhome Fun, the show was small but with free bus into Carmarthen and excellent company and lots of sunshine we had a excellent week end to start our holiday, tomorrow we will see where we will end up. Carol.

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Thanks Maggie hope you are warmed up now, we had a good time at the show and moved on making our way to St David’s with no particular aim, on the way we came across a lovely beach at Newgale so we camped there overnight and walked along the beach could not believe it is April in the UK the sun was shining and sea looked so blue we walked for a couple of miles then cooked tea and had a really quiet night.

The only other people on the site were a young couple who were supposed to be in Lanzorte but had not been able to fly because of the volcano.


Tuesday morning we carried on no idea where as we have not done any of the Pembroke coast before and we came to the little village of Solva, found a CC CS for £3.50p per night at St Elvis Farm and was going to stay there but they were repairing the main road and what would have been a lovely quite site right on the coastal path was rather noisy so we carried on into the village and parked on the National Trust car park, the man there said out of season we could stay the night, we parked right on the edge of the estuary watching the boats and canoeist.


From that car park we were perfectly placed to go on the coastal path and had superb walks in each direction with the bluebells just coming out and lots of wild primrose and cowslips and the sea below it was magic I did not know the sea could be such a beautiful colour aqua green in the UK, we took a picnic and must have walked for about five hours, which I think was about my limit but loved it. We stayed there until Thursday when we moved to the CC site at St David’s a really nice site with plenty of empty pitches so we will stay put for a few days.


If anyone has any ideas of what we should see or places to go in this are I would love to here. Fingers crossed the weather lasts a bit longer. Carol.


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Guest Tracker

Hi Carol & Ed,


If you find yourselves in Pembroke we have enough room on our drive for an overnight stop and you can empty the loo and refill with water as well as have a free electric hook up if you feel so inclined?


I can email or pm you the address.


We would extend the same courtesy to any forum members who find themselves in the area.




Rich & Dot - & mad Rosie!

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I don't know about free showers for someone your size Howie as our water is metered and we are only poor pensioners - but even you would be welcome to stay as long as you promise to keep your bad habits under control this time - just let us know the dates and we will arrange it all - such a shame we will be in France whenever you are here!


Sorry mate - all joking aside we would be delighted to meet your good self and the present Mrs Howie - I think?

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Jolly decent of you Richard. Got small Rally of about 10 units, don't worry about the water meter we hardly ever wash and we all have gennie's so no hook ups, also plenty of fertilizer for yours and your neighbours gardens, looking forward to meeting you.

Dave :-D


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Thank you so much Richard that is very generous, Ed and I look forward to meeting up with Dot & Yourself on our travels.


Have to tell you about my adventure yesterday were cycling into St Davids down a pretty lane in the fields there must have been upwards of 100 wild Welsh Cob horsed in various fields, came to one field and could see all the horses like standing guard so we stopped, and could see a mare laying down in the middle of having a foal.

After it was born the mum lay there for about 10 Min's then got up and started licking the foal but it would not get up she tried and tried about 10 times but just could not stand up.

Finally it very wobbly made it then promptly fell over again, by now I was feeling like a birthing partner, but then it stayed up and we carried on had a good couple of hours wondering around the cathedral and Bishops Palace.

Then went back to see how my foal was going on, it was standing by its mum it was a lovely Bluey/Grey with 4 white socks, so much to Eds amusement I christened Blue Moon. Today we went for a walk down the lanes to see it and its trotting around as if it never had all that trouble standing up. magic.

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Guest Tracker

Some of the real joys of this nomadic wandering lifestyle that we all enjoy are these magic moments just like Carol and Ed's with the horses that one stumbles upon from time to time.


Memories that will last for years and years and probably long beyond our Motorhoming years?


Wonderful experiences!

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Have to admit we have had to go and see the foal each day and he is doing well I will try and put a couple of pictures but not sure of my dongle. Today it was misty in the morning so we had a really lazy one then cycled into St Davids for a bit of shopping then cycled to White Sands and was delighted to find a beautiful beach with the walks in easy access and a site right next to the beach so in the morning we will go there for a night f two and walk the coastal path a bit more, it really is good exploring bits of the UK we have not seen before. We feel proper nomadic with no set plans just follow the front f the van.



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hi carol


just found you ....not often i get the chance to browse on the site....


the photos merit a big AAAAAhhhhhhhh ...from both of


hope you enjoy rest of your holiday....


we will follow your trip with interest... now we have found you




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Well I thought I was never going to get my dongle connected again, since leaving St Davids, we completely lost all dongle and phone signal so I missed the chance to catch up with Richard & Dot, but we are still on our wanderings from St Davids went to Pendine Sands Ed wanted to see where the racing took place and the museum, we were in luck with the weather and parked up on the car park in the day.


Then we were off to find a CL for a couple of nights when a local man walking his dog said if we just went up the side lane by the car park we could camp there overnight no trouble so we had 2 nights wild camping right in the middle of Pendine Sands yet no one could see us brilliant.


The beach there is about 6 mile long with loads of drift wood on it, the weather was good but I was a bit surprised to see a couple of women sunbathing topless did not think it was that warm,


From there we went to the CC site at Freshwater East the wild flowers were lovely, and one day the Pembroke Coastal Warden led a walk from Freshwater East telling us about all the wild flowers and the myths behind them, I really enjoyed that.


Another day Ed and I walked from Freshwater East to Stackpole 7 mile there and back quite a tough walk up and down some steep paths but well worth it.


From Freshwater we have come to Tenby to Haven Holiday Site a complete change but in a 15 min walk into the centre of Tenby, today it was lovely there the harbour with the boats bobbing around and all the coloured houses really nice not tacky just nice we will be here until Wednesday then move to Cardiff.


Will try and post a couple of pics of our walk from Freshwater East to Stackpole. Carol.


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Lost my connection last night, thank you Bertie for your kind comments, I am never sure whether to post or not, we have had a good day today caught the bus to Saundersfoot quite a long journey for up hill and down dale but had a good day there.


Glad we stayed in Tenby well worth coming here, very friendly pretty place.


Tonight watching this flipping TV to see how long it is before the politicians sort something out. Then off to Cardiff tomorrow to meet daughter for her Birthday. Carol.

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hi carol

glad to hear the weather is holding up for you...and you are getting 'out and about' !!


we are at st jean de maurienne near the frejus tunnel...

we have been meandering slowly down through france ....

hoping .... ( and praying !!! )

that the mt cenis pass will open.... so that we will not have to take a chance on the tunnel charges...


yesterday it opened !!!!!!

so we are passing time in the mcd...

we have had cloudy mornings with a downpour every afternoon and evening for the last 7 days....

not good *-)


heading for turin to see the shroud...hopefully...

have slots booked for next tues/wed/thur....giving ourselves plenty of options !!!


know what you mean about 'not sure whether to post' ...


although we like the interaction with other forum users...

we aren't doing an 'on the road' blog on this trip because can't access wifi at mcd in italy...and probably germany....

and we didn't want everyone to get fed up with us ...

so have decided to do a 'retrospective travelogue' for this trip ...


we enjoy reading about other folks' travels....makes the forum more interesting...


carry on posting carol....

look forward to the next installment..

enjoy your reunion with your daughter




berti and mbh




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Hi Carol sounds like your still enjoying yourselves :-D we have stayed at Freshwater Bay when we had our caravan, did you see the restored racing car that they dug up out of the sands? it was buried apparently when the driver was killed. I was surprised at what a lovely little place Tenby is as well.


Were having some decent weather at last :-D were off to Rowntree park for a couple of days :-S thats all we could get, but no matter next month we leave for Germany 6 weeks so lots of preparations to make.


Im looking at dongles for my little notebook we bought, Ive downloaded Skype so if I can find a decent dongle that works alright in Germany I could save on my mobile, I had £60 on it last year!! ridiculous isnt it!!


Just forget about Government etc; let them all get on with it ;-) lifes to short they arent thinking about us are they?? its Holiday Time. lol.


Have a good journey and keep safe. maggyxx

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Thanks Maggie, yes we are still on our travels, the car at Pendine Sands (Babs) was not there until June Ed was a bit disappointed as he would have liked to seen it, but we watched the videos and they were very good.

We moved on to Cardiff the camp site there was really handy just on the cycle way a 10 min ride or a 25 min walk into the centre of Cardiff along the river bank really nice.

We had a nice evening with our daughter and treated her to a meal in Cardiff Bay in the evening it is a lovely atmosphere there.

The next day we went to St Fagans just a 20 min bike ride from the site if anyone is in Cardiff area and not been there I would really really recomend giving it a visit, its free and a couple of days and I don't think you would see it all but I would say a must.

From Cardiff we have moved on to Bath and staying on the Marina site another nice site on the side of the canal, and a 15 min bike ride into the centre of town or the Park & Ride stops nearby, handy for going in the evenings.

We have never been to Bath before and found it to be a beautiful interesting place I never relised that the whole place is a World Heritige Site and I can see, we went on one of the Mayors tours because I can never see the point of looking at buildings and not knowing what they are so it was well worth doing and again free.

In the evening we went on the Bizare Bath Comedy Tour it was so different and really funny a great way to spend a evening.


Maggie hope you enjoy your tour in Germany post if you can and let us know how you are getting on. Have you checked I think dongles work out expensive abroad, not sure, a lot cheaper to get wfi where you can but I could be wrong. enjoy anyway.


We are off to the Newbury Show tomorrow being as we are so near. Carol.

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Hi Carol :-D the last time we were in Bath my youngest who is 40 this year was five year old!! I bet it hasn't changed though.


I had suspected that the dongles might be expensive for abroad! as you say best just to look out for wireless hotspots! I don't intend to be sat at the computer though so they aren't on my must have list ;-)


We have just had two days at Rowntree park, thats all we could get, the weather was glorious, but its back to the grind :-D


I hope you are having good weather, I liked the sound of Cardiff we have never stopped just flashed past!! like a lot of places. Keep safe maggyx

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Guest peter
Tracker - 2010-04-24 10:30 AM


Hi Carol & Ed,


If you find yourselves in Pembroke we have enough room on our drive for an overnight stop and you can empty the loo and refill with water as well as have a free electric hook up if you feel so inclined?


I can email or pm you the address.


We would extend the same courtesy to any forum members who find themselves in the area.




Rich & Dot - & mad Rosie!

Right! I'm on my way. :D
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Just a quick up date, dongle has not been up to much so not posted, but hit home for a couple of weeks now, after leaving Newbury had a week at Longleat CC site if you hav not been and get the chance well worth a visit,


Also had a week in Stratford-on-Avon with some amazing weather, the one thing about this years holiday that has topped the lot is the weather we have had could not have asked for better so after a good sort out at home off again to the Tall Ship MCC rally at Hartlepool then Edinborough & booked in for the Braemar games then off to the Black Isle.


After last year touring Greece / Italy and France thought we could not enjoy this year in GB as much but have had brilliant time so with the euro and the uncertainty on the continent may break our every other year rule and stay in the UK next year.


PS. Is Ria / Rob etc still out there. Carol.

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peter - 2010-06-30 9:41 PM


Tracker - 2010-04-24 10:30 AM


Hi Carol & Ed,


If you find yourselves in Pembroke we have enough room on our drive for an overnight stop and you can empty the loo and refill with water as well as have a free electric hook up if you feel so inclined?


I can email or pm you the address.


We would extend the same courtesy to any forum members who find themselves in the area.




Rich & Dot - & mad Rosie!

Right! I'm on my way. :D


And a warm welcome would await even you Peter!

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