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It's been reported that Peter Mandelson, in his soon to be published memoirs, has described Tony Blair as duplicious, but i'll believe that when I see it, so lets move on to the touching story of former clippie Abdi Nur and his wife and seven children who on arriving in Britain from Somalia were given a smart five bedroom house in Brentford rent free and benifits totalling £900 a week. So far, so good, but Mr Nur felt he and his family deserved better, and after approaching Kensington and Chelsea council was given permission to upgrade to a townhouse in nearby Notting Hill with the council paying the £2000 a week rent. Reading the papers or watching the news can often give the impression that we live in a hard profit driven world where the weak simply fall by the wayside, but Mr Nur has shown that with enough belief and determination those who follow their dream can, and do, see those dreams come true, and a lesson to all who fail in their aspirations simply through a lack of that same self belief.
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I wish you hadn't told me that. Lets hope this new government follows up stories like this and stops it happening again. It just leaves you very, very, VERY angry.

A short while ago we had to have our electric meter changed as the old one had apparantly reached its sell by date. The chap who did it said he was local but had just spent a month in Wales (around Swansea I think) taking out meters on a large council house estate so that the new influx of immigrants could have free electicity, and I assume no rent either. Sucks don't it>:-)>:-)>:-)

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howie - 2010-07-13 12:28 AM


It's been reported that Peter Mandelson, in his soon to be published memoirs, has described Tony Blair as duplicious, but i'll believe that when I see it, so lets move on to the touching story of former clippie Abdi Nur and his wife and seven children who on arriving in Britain from Somalia were given a smart five bedroom house in Brentford rent free and benifits totalling £900 a week. So far, so good, but Mr Nur felt he and his family deserved better, and after approaching Kensington and Chelsea council was given permission to upgrade to a townhouse in nearby Notting Hill with the council paying the £2000 a week rent. Reading the papers or watching the news can often give the impression that we live in a hard profit driven world where the weak simply fall by the wayside, but Mr Nur has shown that with enough belief and determination those who follow their dream can, and do, see those dreams come true, and a lesson to all who fail in their aspirations simply through a lack of that same self belief.


Is your post tongue in cheek or are you in genuine admiration for Mr Nur? I daren't post what I think of this situation. What do other members think?

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Should we be surprised, NOT REALLY

I think there are plenty more of these incidents to come out yet.


Nor should we be surprised how quick Mandelson changes sides.

More frequent than changing his underwear.


Problem is he may bounce back yet again, but he won't earn any Author's royalties from me.

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Tounge in cheek, wish it was Malcom, but prompted to post this thread after talking to my sister the other evening. Her husband Tom, 63, was laid off work just after christmas, and because my sister has a small part time job is no longer entitled to any income or support. Very much like the rest of us and contributed into the system all his life and now, when they are finding it difficult to make ends meet, they are left high and dry while others simply waltz into this country and are given a priority and advantage the rest of us could never achieve, never mind how long we worked. Nothing again'st helping those who are in genuine need, that's what those contributions were meant for, but some pea brained official somewhere had to authorise and sign the go ahead for this move and would love to let him know just how strongly I object to this criminal waste of money. 8-)
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My next door neighbour has enjoyed well paid employment for many years, he was ever so fond of slagging off people who were on the dole calling them wasters, scroungers and loafers.

Three weeks ago he himself was made redundant when his company lost a particular contract with a major supermarket.

He has got a big mortgage and was forced to apply for job seekers allowence, what a hell of a difference in his way of thinking now, so much so he is looking for cash in hand jobs to eke out whatever dole he might get, the saying 'what comes around goes around' comes to mind.

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Did you see the house that he was in 'A not very nice area'.

A three bedroom semi, garden at the back and parking space at the front.

I wonder what other benefits he's on. We shouldn't be to hard on him tho, he use to be a bus conductor so must have paid his tax & NICs.

I didn't know that there were still buses with conductors on them


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There's been a few figures quoted lately of £100.000 plus with re. to benifit payments, though I believe this new government are going to bring in a cap of £40,000 (poor sods), but the best suggestion i've seen so far is that all claiments get bog standard housing and nothing more than the equivalent of the minimum wage. Sounds fair to me. A roof over your head and food on the table, what more could you ask for, and if they aspire to anything better then they can do what the rest of us have always done, shift their bums and work for it.
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