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Monocrystalline or polycrystalline


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Does anyone anything about monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels? I have an idea as to how they are made etc and that the Monocrystalline panels are more efficient. But what type does the average Motorhomer use? I realise that the polycrystalline panels are cheaper but are they cost effective? Apparently the polycrystalline panels are about 12% efficient I don't know what the efficiency of the other type is. At the end of the day, is it really worth paying considerably more for the monocrystalline panel?




Brian :-(

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Guest JudgeMental
meddyliol - 2010-07-21 10:01 AM


I am very sorry if I have upset you. I could find no info on the question I was asking.


you have not upset me..it was a polite suggestion that is all. It is a small forum.......


By example, look at my panel van thread. I must of asked 10 -20 different questions within the topic and all get a response, that is how threads develop, people look in repeatedly :-D


Below is some general info on subject but not motorhome specific:







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Thanks for your help Judgemental (good name, works well for you). Don't worry, you will not see any more topics from me. I have had enough from so called 'experts' like you. All I wanted was some informed comments, you obviously didn't read the topic properly just jumped in with both feet. It will probably be just my luck to park right next to you on a site somewhere.


Have a nice life



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meddyliol - 2010-07-22 8:54 AM


Thanks for your help Judgemental (good name, works well for you). Don't worry, you will not see any more topics from me. I have had enough from so called 'experts' like you. All I wanted was some informed comments, you obviously didn't read the topic properly just jumped in with both feet. It will probably be just my luck to park right next to you on a site somewhere.


Have a nice life




That's bit harsh on the Judge. He has given you a perfect answer with links to lots of good information.


Amorphous panels have their place. They give a better output in low light conditions. Useful in winter.

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Guest JudgeMental


Like you say Ali, politely suggest to have ONE thread on the topic, offer advice and links and then get this abuse.........Not to worry! we have had a flush of these numptys since MHF has started charging, asking repeated idiotic questions, when they could find the info at the touch of a button *-)

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The clue is right at the start...


Judgemental is the very word, remember....not everyone is an expert and none of us know everything, do you ?

Or were you born with all your knowledge, no you did not learn anything off anyone,did you ! ! ! tut

We all started with no info and as for expert !

Lots of know it alls parked on every site,plenty of helpful people too.



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To try to pour some oil on troubled waters:




A suggestion to help people who want to know more about Motorhomy-type things; whilst at the same time limiting the number of repeat questions here which may well have been answered at great length multiple times in the past.



It's a process I try to follow -



1. Google for the information you're after.


2. If that doesn't tell you all that you need to learn, then maybe use the "Search" facility on this forum, which will pull up any/all previous threads about the topic you ask it to search for. There aren't many brand new technical questions around here so far as I can fathom.


3. If reading those previous threads still doesn't give the exact info you're after in your specific circumstances, then of course start your own thread asking for that specific extra info you're still short of.




I reckon this can help newcomers get as much info from the experience of the techies here, whilst at the same time reducing the " oh no, not yet again" reaction from the older hands when they see the same questions that they've given answers to previously popping up again month after month.


As I said, it's just a thought........





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meddyliol - 2010-07-22 8:54 AM


Thanks for your help Judgemental (good name, works well for you). Don't worry, you will not see any more topics from me. I have had enough from so called 'experts' like you. All I wanted was some informed comments, you obviously didn't read the topic properly just jumped in with both feet. It will probably be just my luck to park right next to you on a site somewhere.


Have a nice life





I think you should try to keep things in perspective.


There are over nine thousands users on this site now.


If you get a response from just one of them that you don't like it's best to just ignore them.


It's my view that anyone should feel free to ask what they like.








Having just seen the comments from BGD, I'd go along with what he says.


The point is that any fairly new members to the forum will be unaware of how many times that their question has come up before.


If there are 'old hands' who can't cope with that, maybe it would be better if they would just try to stay quiet.


Peace to all.





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Guest JudgeMental

He had another solar panel thread two down from his new one? It just gets confusing that was all I was trying to get across. Threads ebb and flow, it is the nature of these things, better to keep info on topic, within one thread.


Ask away! but within one thread is that to much to ask someone?


So every time I had a question re "panel vans"then its OK to start a new thread is it? then there would be 20 threads on blooming panel vans! that WAS MY ONLY POINT (see I can shout as well*-)) I am not concerned regards repetitive questions from newcomers


This is not a massive forum like others, so inane and repetitive postings cluttering up front page are boring.......particularly when the "search" function and Google seem to work perfectly well for those of us with half a brain


this thread should be pulled and question added to his other thread which is still two lines away....




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Surely, when someone asks a simple question is it not polite to just answer the question rather than to tell the questioner to look somewhere else?. Its OK for those who are computer savvy and nimble fingered and nimble brained, but some of us just want a simple answer, not a lecture on what we should have done first. Oh, and Judgemental is not the only one who does this.


Hear endeth the lesson.




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Could not agree more with Clive and 747,is that not what a forum is about !

And to top it all he wants it pulled, and not "fill the front page with rubbish" ! ! !




More like...remove your wig and step down from the bench springs to mind.


Oh my Lord, double standards !

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Just a general observation, if we had one thread for each broad subject, like solar panels, aires, trailers, refillable gas bottles, etc, then we'd have about 30 threads hundreds of pages long - much of the content of which would be off-topic rubbish and griping.

It's not like it's compulsory to be on here, it's within our power to ignore stuff.

Oh, and as per the other thread, mono or poly? - either, they're very probably both going to be equally unecessary.

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Guest JudgeMental
Manu - 2010-07-22 1:11 PM

Could not agree more with Clive and 747,is that not what a forum is about !

And to top it all he wants it pulled, and not "fill the front page with rubbish" ! ! !


More like...remove your wig and step down from the bench springs to mind.

Oh my Lord, double standards !


Calm down you complete OTT lunatic, and can you please stop shouting?


yet another moronic funster?

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come on people are motor homers not meant to be a friendly lot (?) .if somebody asks a question surely it is polite to reply kindly it seems lately that a lot of threads seem to deviate into slanging matches which does not help anyone . it seems unfortunate that the judge always seem to be involved, however lets get back to helping each other wether new or old contributors. make the forum positive not negative. nuff said me thinks (?)
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Oh dear!!

Perhaps some of us could get into the habit of going and making a cuppa or something before pounding away at a snappy response?

I have always found this to be a very friendly site with good advice freely given; I hope it's not going to degenerate into a general 'slag off those you don't agree with' free for all.  If anyone wants to fling personal insults maybe they should go to other sites (won't name them but we all know which they are) that seem to allow that.


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