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Guest Tracker

And a very neat bit of editing too if I may so as there is not a single spelling or grammatical error left in the entire piece which so eloquently delivers it's deceptively silent message?


An undoubted masterpiece - well done!

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Guest Tracker
So if Freda was there on Monday, and Gloria came first on Tuesday I have to wonder what Harriet did on Wednesday and whether Imelda could top it on Thursday before it came to Janine's turn on Friday?
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malc d - 2010-08-20 9:06 AM


I must say I like Howies new bungalow.




Mock thee not Malc. That outhouse may not look much, but both the single toilet and two showers were immaculate and one of the secret campsites that i,ve listed over the years. None of Martyns constant gripes of five year waiting lists with this one, and even at peak periods, you simply turn up at the drop of a hat and pick your spot. none of the time wasting procedure you often get at club sites either while every possible personal detail is fed into a bank of computors before being issued with reams of detailed do's and dont's before being escorted to your pitch and like a step back in time to 'proper' camping. Wild flowers and plants in profusion, clouds of butterflies not seen in years with glorious walks and views to die for, and all for £10 a night.

My apologies to Mendipman for going off thread and here's a picture taken from my deckchair right outside the van. Spiffing.




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