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Planning Next Years Holiday


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Had a very good two months holiday this year circumnavigating Italy, and have decided that I would like to go to Croatia next year. The ACSI book does not list very many sites in Croatia so I am asking if anyone knows of any sites that they would recommend. Also I would be obliged for any tips or other information that you could share with me, regarding, things to see, general travel, state of roads, ect.
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Guest JudgeMental

Thinking of Croatia ourselves for next year be interesting how this thread develops......what area are you thinking of? is Istra popular?


Routes are variedand lots of choice: through Germany/Austria/Slovenia OR we may go via Switzerland as we will be visiting friends on way back in northern Italy.....so a waste paying tolls just to go one way I think, and it is a quick journey that way.

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Hi Judgementle,


Thinking of Croatia ourselves for next year be interesting how this thread develops......what area are you thinking of? is Istra popular?


Routes are variedand lots of choice: through Germany/Austria/Slovenia OR we may go via Switzerland as we will be visiting friends on way back in northern Italy.....so a waste paying tolls just to go one way I think, and it is a quick journey that way.


For me it was going to be a general tour about, similar to Andy Stotards tour

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I as thinking of going by way of the Bremmer Pass. This year we went to Italy via the Simplon Pass as I refuse to pay the equivalent price for a vignette for two journey's as the Swiss pay for fourteen months. We should charge them road tax when they come over here.

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Guest JudgeMental
Th french tunnels one way cost more then the Swiss motorway/tunnel vigenette combined, resonable value I think as long as you use it in both directions. Then Italian motorway tolls are peanuts as well compared to french......
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