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I am on a promise


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Will it happen will it not after over three years of waiting for my van to be exchanged for a new one I think that I now have a deal.

When I rejected my motorhome due to it not being fit to use little did I know what a fight I would have on my hands.

Many people said dont go to court dont go the solicitors way it will cost you a fortune well the bill did go up and up but after a while I managed to get my solicitor to take it on a no win no fee then I took out insurance to cover me if I lost.

Then I had to set too working day in and day out on my computer contacting people asking questions any where that I could get answers some of the questions I asked people on this forum and I got a lot of help along the way thanks to Brian Kirby most of all who gave me confidance to carry on with some very good advice also Diamond Dave from Practical motorhome, Derik Uzzell and Dave Newell and to people that I may have forgotten along the way I would like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I do not have the Van yet but it looks promissing I have been told that I will get it in about three weeks.

I know that it is a bit late in the season to do anything and I have not dared to plan anything but still hoping

I have also had to sign a gagging order not to mention any names or people involved which makes me Pi---d off becouse I would love to name and shame maybe I will be able to say one day but as this case goes on after my claim is settled we will see what happens then.

Some people may know who is involved but please do not name or sumise who is involved in my demise on this site as it may effect the outcome. thanks to you all.




Thanks all for your suport


So one day and counting!!!!!!!!!!


(lol) (lol)

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Well done for standing your ground Mike, sometimes you just have too.


I found myself I a similar situation a couple of years ago, nothing to do with motorhomes but a situation where I had to stand my ground when many people were saying don’t stand up to them don’t use solicitors don’t go to court.


The other side would not back down even thou there own legal people told them too.

I didn’t back down. I did go to court and won.


Nothing to do with financial gain after the court case, but it was the situation after the case that lead me to do what had wanted to do for years I went looking for my first motorhome.


After the pleasure I have from the van this year I can’t thank the nasty bully boy B******* enough


The world needs people like you to stand there ground and ignore all the life is to short comments


From somebody who really can relate to what you have been through



Very very WELL DONE mate






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Flicka, it's a shame that we have to be devious, but well done for the suggestion. We have just got a new car and that is exactly what we had to do - get the allocated reg no, give that to the insurer, then a copy of the insurance certificate to the garage to 1st reg the vehicle.


So on the surface it is both an innocent question and yet also something that needs to be done.


Good luck Mike from another Mike

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Unless the motorhome dealership involved - and I am well aware which it is - has been legally forced to provide a replacement motorhome, and a firm deadline set for the exchange to take place, there's still plenty of opportunity for things to go pear-shaped. Also, given the background, one might be forgiven for thinking that the dealership will be very willing (even enthusiastic) to b*gger Mike about.


Assuming that the dealership actually has the replacement vehicle ready to exchange, then it's hard to understand why it seems to be so difficult to collect Mike's current motorhome and transfer the accessories. It's certainly not the distance (several miles less than a marathon!) between Mike's home and the dealership that's producing the problem.


Possibly there's a straightforward, innocent explanation for the delay but, if there were, I'd want to be told about it and I'd want to believe it. As has already been said, if it's just the transfer of the accessories that's preventing the exchange taking place, then (much as it might irk) it might be wisest to get hold of the replacement vehicle first and address the accessory issue later. As Mike knows, this dealership has a very patchy history and a reputation that does not inspire confidence that its promises will be honoured.



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Guest JudgeMental
Hope this "promise" you are on was arranged via the court and not an off the grid offer to get you to pull out of the apperance......As if this is so, I would be very concerned for you *-)
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No Judge this offer has been stamped by the court and a part cash advance had been paid it is just the Pig headedness of the dealer to compleat the deal Maybe it is me wanting to get it all over with waiting for three years does get you a bit tetchy.

With all this worry it has been making me ill and put me in hospital I went for a colonoscopy ( for thoes that do not know it is a camera up the nether reagons) last week and they said that they had found somthing so now I have to go for a CT scan next week another worry that I could do without I have lost out on three years of my van now it looks as tho I will lose out altogeather if things are not right never mind I will just have to keep on :-) :-) :-)

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Guest JudgeMental

Jez Micky it really is not worth getting in a state about....... sounds like you are in a good position if court stamped etc...


As for your health, while stress does not help one little bit ,no good comes compounding it with worry, that you can do nothing about!


Just sit tight, no pun intended :-D

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Mick.  Are your extra items of high value, and are they still in good condition after 3 years on your original van?  Do you still need them all?  I'm just wondering if it is worth getting them transferred after so long. 

If the dealer is slapdash in the process, and if any of the extras are items like an awning, that involve making holes in the van, they could easily leave you with leaks if not carefully completed.

Would it be worth (in terms of peace of mind and confidence) considering just leaving them on the original van, taking the new van without the extras, and getting new items added elsewhere?  After all, it is the van that is the high value item.

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Yes brian they are of high value the van as you know has not moved for three years it has a cat 1 alarm, a 4m zip awning that has not been on the van yet only the brackets, a reversing camera, reversing sensors,Bicycle rack, etc all of which I had fitted to my old van before I found out it was not fit for purpose all these are in the schedule that are on the agreement between the dealer and my solicitor to change over to my new van or replace any that can not be exchanged before I take delivery plus an habitation air condition unit



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Hawcara - 2010-11-15 6:05 PM


Er I realise there is difficulty in naming the dealer but can you state the make of van and possibly area of country aquired?

Being nosey but also aware


Suggest you read the following earlier threads








These will clearly identify the make/model of motorhome and may provide clues to the dealership involved.

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