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Scotland for New Year


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Don't know how far North into Scotland you want to go but as previously mentioned Dumfries & Galloway is a hidden gem often overlooked by those heading for the highlands. As mentioned a lot of sites are closed from end of November unless you do some serious searching.


OH has just (20 mins ago) booked us onto a site at Kippford for 3 days over the New Year link follows. 15% discount for C &CC members, 10 minute walk to village with excellent pub serving outstandingly good meals.


£54 for the 3 nights on a fully serviced (inc fw tap pitch) Not the cheapest but tis holiday season!




Google earth will give you an idea of how scenic this area is, its stunning.



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Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who replied, I have now got a list of 25 campsites that are open at Xmas/new year, with the help of this forum, a couple of other forums and also my own research. I just have to get them down to an even shorter list now lol. First thing will be to decide which region to go to, that might help a lot lol.


Will let you know when we decide in case any of you are at the same campsite and fancy meeting up for a wee dram


Once again thanks everyone for all your help.




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silverback - 2010-11-11 8:27 PM


come on Big Momma :-D cold in poole/swanage 8-) it will be at least 6 degrees!! spare a thought for some of us in Scotland freezing our nuts off :-D

i will raise a glass on new years eve to all you southern softies :D :D



I will be very happy if it is 6 degrees, if not, I WILL come looking for you >:-)

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I would try Glenmore (Forestry Site near Aviemore) on Loch Morlich and below Cairngorm. Open all year. Could be busy. Plentry walking,cycling and skiing if there's snow. Being Forestry it's now part of C&CClub. There in October and sat watching the red squirrels storing their nuts.
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