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Any Subscriber got January MMM yet?

Hazy Baby

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Haha, yes Malc, we forgot a couple of bits yesterday in Asda, which incidentally was a pleasure, at 5pm, just busy not heaving.


So went into town and got the bits, and got a fantastic bargain, top quality walking/hiking shoes 2 pairs reduced from £130 to £27! I nearly bought 4 pair, but I thought that was a bit greedy :D



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Still not arrived here. We have a local sorting office in our village but it is not there either. We have about 4 magazines that should have arrived by now. My guess is they have been put to one side in a main sorting office so the Christmas post can go out first. The worry must be that when they dig them out it will be deemed pointless to deliver an out of date mag and they will be dumped. As a contrast about 4 weeks ago I purchased a Easy Share print kit from Kodak. It turned out to be faulty. I phoned them on Tues, they agreed it was duff and would be replaced. It arrived today via UPS, posted from Germany. I don't blame Warners for the late delivery but maybe they should take it up with the Post Office because I am now tempted to cancel the subscription and simply buy it when I see it.
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Well postie came today with a 1/4 bag of mail & said volumes were down this year as it appears may people not posting cards, etc., & weather conditions.

Still no MMM, so only TV's continual Christmas repeats to occupy us.

Agree with Graham, it needs Warners (& others) to take this up with the Post Office

Being cynical, do I think the Post Office have got a hidden agenda / motive for delaying magazines. ?????????? (Yes)

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As an ex Royal Mail employee of 14 years service, I may be able to shed some light on this matter.


Royal Mail were allowed to delay mail if circumstances dictated, I'm assuming nothing has changed since I left in 2004.


First Class stamped mail goes first, then it filters down, 2nd class stamped, 1st class pre paid, etc etc etc. Not having MMM on subscription any longer, I don't know what it's posted as but I'll guess at 2nd class pre paid.


Now that's nowhere near the bottom of the pile to be delayed but it is nowhere near the top either.


The reasons for mail being "legally" delayed are numerous, but the blindingly obvious one which will almost certainly be affecting deliveries will be the inclement weather.


Don't be under the illusion that because you've had X Y or Z delivered, your MMM should be there too. I hope this helps.





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Still not in Pembrokeshire (to Subscribers anyway) Plenty in all the Supermarkets >:-( >:-( >:-( not a happy subscriber ! and possibly not for much longer... it's very easy to cancel a Direct debit, and even easier to pick it up in the supermarket when doing the shopping. Ray
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Why are some of you having a go at Warners? They have produced the mag and it's gone to the distribution company who in turn have sent it out via the mail to be delivered. Now how could Warners have known that we would have the severe problems with mail that we have or that the magazine would be held back so long. It is the exception rather than the rule isn't it? Disappointing, yes, life threatening, no.


.... I've got mine though ... nah-nah, na-nah-nah!!!!!! :D

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All you lot whingeing cos you havent got the MMM yet and blaming Warners when it aint their fault. Havent you heard about the snow and frosts, flight cancellations, road blocks due to snow, railways failures, Long distance travel chaos on busses etc etc.


Im all right jack, I got mine in Sainsbury's a few days before XMAS.. Now waiting for the next one. Thanks to Warners for producing it in good time and getting it distributed in spite of atrocious weather conditions., and thanks to all those distributors , postmen, Santa claus and everyone else who bent over backwards to get the articles written, printers for their efforts, etc. WELL DONE , Keep them coming.



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Guest Tracker

Jeez what a moaning bunch of whingers we have here do we not?


Is it the end of the world when a magazine does not arrive on time - my how times have changed?


Think back to our younger days when buying a magazine on subscription was unaffordable let alone a bloody great motorhome and get real!


I would still much rather kids got their Christmas prezzies on time than me getting my magazine and having been a subpostmaster I do know how dedicated and hard working most of Royal Mail's people are - not all - but most and I salute them for their efforts in difficult conditions!


No doubt my copy will arrive sooner or later - but ask yourself - in the grand scheme of things - does it really matter either way?

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Nope not got mine.

Boringly enough, my wife works for Royal Mail. She often tells me of the complaints they get.

Eg I am getting no mail the postman must have stolen it.

The postman walks across my garden to get to next door.

Yes there is 1 foot of snow outside but that is no excuse.

The postman drops rubber bands outside my door.

My postman wont come up the drive, my doberman is very friendly and has not bitten anyone he does not know.



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Still no sign of ours, but I'm not too downhearted! it's only 6 weeks and 5 days until we set of for 5 months round France, Spain, Morocco, Portugal, Northern Spain and France again! So I'll be cancelling my subscription from next month until we get back.


I've got a raft of stuff to do so I wouldn't have time to read it anyway! :-D


And it's thawing and I can start getting the van ready! :-D

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tonyg3nwl - 2010-12-27 2:22 PM


All you lot whingeing cos you havent got the MMM yet and blaming Warners when it aint their fault. Havent you heard about the snow and frosts, flight cancellations, road blocks due to snow, railways failures, Long distance travel chaos on busses etc etc.


Im all right jack, I got mine in Sainsbury's a few days before XMAS.. Now waiting for the next one. Thanks to Warners for producing it in good time and getting it distributed in spite of atrocious weather conditions., and thanks to all those distributors , postmen, Santa claus and everyone else who bent over backwards to get the articles written, printers for their efforts, etc. WELL DONE , Keep them coming.



You got yours from Sainsbury, Good for you, However having a Subscription direct with Warners is SUPPOSED to mean that the Subcriber gets his copy BEFORE they are available from the Supermarkets.

I suggest that Warners give their distributor who-ever they are ??

a large Kick up the backside, for NOT doing what they are supposed to do.

IF supermarkets can get copies to their shops, then the distributor SHOULD be able to to the same for Subscribers. Some-one is not performing to their Remit. And should have their Fee revoked.

Still not arrived in Pembrokeshire. (except for ALL the supermarkets).

A 'Pixxed off Subscriber'. >:-( >:-(

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Mel B - 2010-12-26 7:13 PM


Why are some of you having a go at Warners? They have produced the mag and it's gone to the distribution company who in turn have sent it out via the mail to be delivered. Now how could Warners have known that we would have the severe problems with mail that we have or that the magazine would be held back so long. It is the exception rather than the rule isn't it? Disappointing, yes, life threatening, no.


.... I've got mine though ... nah-nah, na-nah-nah!!!!!! :D


No, I have to say, this is not me 'having a go' at Warners - I agree they have done everything they could possibly do to get the magazine out to subscribers.


However, we are, as a nation, becoming all too accepting of the way things work (or don't work) in this country.


My (very basic) understanding of the Post Office system is that when you purchase a stamp and affix it to something which you subsequently deposit in an offcial post box you have entered into a contract with the Post Office to deliver said item within the time period contracted. Is that not so?


If yes, then the Post Office have sadly let down Warners despite all the custom they give them throughout the year and they (Warners) ought to have some redress for the parlous service provided. Is that not so?


It's no big deal, I agree, that my magazine has not arrived at the due date and I will certainly not die from the effects of the failure. However, for me, it is the cumulative effect of all the failures by many companies (gas, electric, local authorities, currys etc etc) that constantly, even predictably, get the very simple things wrong and that I have to subsequently have to chase up on the phone, by e-mail or letter that illustrates the poor state of good quality service in this country.


Maybe, it is the same elsewhere - but I don't live there and would dearly like to see this country get back to being one where adherence to the principles of good service are paramount and a staple part of the overall buying experience.


One day perhaps? In the meantime Warner's - get your money back from the Post Office.



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