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Any Subscriber got January MMM yet?

Hazy Baby

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yeti - 2010-12-27 8:22 PM


Mine has not yet arrived,I have emailed the subscriptions Dept,not to complain,but to advise them.Perhaps the distribution contract is up for renewal next year and they may be monitoring performance.


Warners will be surprised at all of the identical emails from yeti.


Perhaps he should change his name to spam. :-S

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Rayjsj - 2010-12-27 7:24 PM


tonyg3nwl - 2010-12-27 2:22 PM


All you lot whingeing cos you havent got the MMM yet and blaming Warners when it aint their fault. Havent you heard about the snow and frosts, flight cancellations, road blocks due to snow, railways failures, Long distance travel chaos on busses etc etc.


Im all right jack, I got mine in Sainsbury's a few days before XMAS.. Now waiting for the next one. Thanks to Warners for producing it in good time and getting it distributed in spite of atrocious weather conditions., and thanks to all those distributors , postmen, Santa claus and everyone else who bent over backwards to get the articles written, printers for their efforts, etc. WELL DONE , Keep them coming.



You got yours from Sainsbury, Good for you, However having a Subscription direct with Warners is SUPPOSED to mean that the Subcriber gets his copy BEFORE they are available from the Supermarkets.

I suggest that Warners give their distributor who-ever they are ??

a large Kick up the backside, for NOT doing what they are supposed to do.

IF supermarkets can get copies to their shops, then the distributor SHOULD be able to to the same for Subscribers. Some-one is not performing to their Remit. And should have their Fee revoked.

Still not arrived in Pembrokeshire. (except for ALL the supermarkets).

A 'Pixxed off Subscriber'. >:-( >:-(



Now a 'Pixxed off' Ex- Subscriber. (new years Resolution ; 'Not to tolerate poor service when I am paying' ) I went and got one at Morrisons (as THEY appear to get priority OVER direct subscribers!) Ray

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I have considered that I could join Motorhome facts,Motorhomefun and Wildcamping with added bonus is that enquiries generally can occour on the same day and not have to wait a couple of months-and with Rotten Ronnies free WiFi I can be in touch when travelling!!!
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Hawcara - 2010-12-27 3:08 PM


Nope not got mine.

Boringly enough, my wife works for Royal Mail. She often tells me of the complaints they get.


The postman drops rubber bands outside my door.





Don't get me started about the flipping rubber bands - it's called littering and if one of my dogs gets hold of one and chokes, the postman will get a big surprise when he next visits as the other dog will have a nice 'breakfast'!!!!! >:-)

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Tracker - 2010-12-27 2:47 PM


Jeez what a moaning bunch of whingers we have here do we not?


Is it the end of the world when a magazine does not arrive on time - my how times have changed?


Think back to our younger days when buying a magazine on subscription was unaffordable let alone a bloody great motorhome and get real!


I would still much rather kids got their Christmas prezzies on time than me getting my magazine and having been a subpostmaster I do know how dedicated and hard working most of Royal Mail's people are - not all - but most and I salute them for their efforts in difficult conditions!


No doubt my copy will arrive sooner or later - but ask yourself - in the grand scheme of things - does it really matter either way?



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Tracker - 2010-12-27 2:47 PM


No doubt my copy will arrive sooner or later - but ask yourself - in the grand scheme of things - does it really matter either way?


Doesn't matter so long as they either refund, extend the subscription by a month or give some other kind of sweetner. Otherwise, when I pay for a service I expect to receive it. On the lead up to Christmas I've had deliveries from around the globe. A bit of weather is no excuse because plainly every other item sent through the post to me's been received in a timely fashion.

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Mel B - 2010-12-28 3:26 PM


Hawcara - 2010-12-27 3:08 PM


Nope not got mine.

Boringly enough, my wife works for Royal Mail. She often tells me of the complaints they get.


The postman drops rubber bands outside my door.





Don't get me started about the flipping rubber bands - it's called littering and if one of my dogs gets hold of one and chokes, the postman will get a big surprise when he next visits as the other dog will have a nice 'breakfast'!!!!! >:-)


I get your point Mel, but my point was that people complain about absolutely everything to the Post Office that in the most part listen, as they have to, rightly. Yet other mobs that are large plc's dont.

Recently complained to MP about top up fees on Tamar Bridge and ripping off motorhomes. I seem to be the only one around here and yet the situation places people in hardship.They have no call centre and thus dont give a stuff.

As another person on here stated, the PO have probably not even received it, yet Tesco's in Callington have it.



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And of Course the Delivery to the supermarket was NOT impeded.


It's about time we British DID complain a bit more when 'things Promised'

don't materialise ( like our Pension schemes.....oh no, don't start on that, Bloody Equitable Life AVC's !!) >:-( >:-(

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It seems that the moderators on this Forum have the power to delete threads that they do not like from members, but no power at all to ensure that said members get their copies of MMM (for which they have paid in advance) delivered.


As of today, I am still awaiting mine :-(

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Got my mag this morning.

I can see why it was late. The postman must have read it over Christmas, he clearly lives on his own, does not have a tv. He resealed it perfectly along with the rest of our mail and posted it this morning.

He did not have his cat with him, I wonder why? (lol)

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robertandjean - 2010-12-28 7:17 PM


As posted previously should not worry, flicked through copy nothing new just same old format and same old stuff; really does need new input. Reading forums much better.


During the time I've participated on this forum I've seen lots of postings about late delivery of MMM, but I can remember very few constructive suggestions on how the magazine's content could be improved.


I could easily live without any of the travel/campsite-related stuff in MMM, but I'm sure that many (perhaps most?) MMM readers really enjoy those articles. Even if that material were removed, I can't think of anything practicable that I'd like any better as a replacement.


If you want change, then you'll need to specify what you want - just saying "really does need new input" won't be sufficient to make anything happen.



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