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Any Subscriber got January MMM yet?

Hazy Baby

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Just a thought about our priorities.

On the average, 1 child dies every 5 seconds as a result, either directly or indirectly, of hunger - 700 every hour - 16 000 each day - 6 million each year - 60% of all child deaths (2002-2008 estimates).

Rough guess that's about a quarter of a million since this thread started.


Funny old world isn't it?

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robertandjean - 2010-12-29 9:25 PM


Yes Derek can suggests ways could be improved. Travel articles need much more focus on where to stay, aires and similar as well as camp sites, rather than just info that can be found from tourist info sites. Balance of articles needs to be moved more towards European rather than just U.K. touring. Camp site reviews should be balanced by reviews of aires/ off-site places to stay. Reviews of new motorhomes need to be much more objective with a clear focus on coach built rather than van conversions, as more readers own the former rather than the latter (possible exception is MMM team who seem in main all to be van owners). News needs to be more upto date and at times provocative, a little like this comment!


I would guess that the majority of MMM readers motorcaravan more in the UK than abroad, and more on campsites than off. There seems to be a market-move away from coachbuilt motorhomes towards PVCs and, in any case, the ratio of coachbuilt:PVC MMM test-reports always significantly favours the former. Some of the MMM 'team' currently have PVCs, others don't. Of those that do, most have owned coachbuilt motohomes previously. The idea of up-to-date news will inevitably conflict with a monthly publication.


I'm doubtful that what you want would receive general approval from current MMM readers, but that would be up to Warners to decide. Have you contacted MMM's Editor directly about the magazine's travel-article and test-report balance?

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I sent a polite e-mailed to the MMM subscription department 23/12/10 to make them aware that my magazine had not arrived. No point in ranting at them.

I was asked to wait until the first post after Christmas and to advise them if it still had not arrived. That post came but with no MMM. So I e-mailed them yesterday to advise of the non-delivery and received the reply below this morning.

So a copy should arrive to-morrow or Tuesday. :-D


My understanding from Collette's first reply is that it will be sent by First Class post.


Hi John

Sorry to hear that it still has not arrived.

I will ensure that a copy goes first thing today.




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Cattwg - 2010-12-30 1:42 PM


I sent a polite e-mailed to the MMM subscription department 23/12/10 to make them aware that my magazine had not arrived. No point in ranting at them.

I was asked to wait until the first post after Christmas and to advise them if it still had not arrived. That post came but with no MMM. So I e-mailed them yesterday to advise of the non-delivery and received the reply below this morning.

So a copy should arrive to-morrow or Tuesday. :-D


My understanding from Collette's first reply is that it will be sent by First Class post.


Hi John

Sorry to hear that it still has not arrived.

I will ensure that a copy goes first thing today.






I also emailed the subscriptions department this morning and got a reply straight back from Collette who also said one would be sent out first class this afternoon. They have also arranged a meet with the Royal Mail in the New Year to discuss the problems.

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Cattwg - 2010-12-30 1:42 PM


I sent a polite e-mailed to the MMM subscription department 23/12/10 to make them aware that my magazine had not arrived. No point in ranting at them.

I was asked to wait until the first post after Christmas and to advise them if it still had not arrived. That post came but with no MMM. So I e-mailed them yesterday to advise of the non-delivery and received the reply below this morning.

So a copy should arrive to-morrow or Tuesday. :-D


My understanding from Collette's first reply is that it will be sent by First Class post.


Hi John

Sorry to hear that it still has not arrived.

I will ensure that a copy goes first thing today.





Thank you for the info - mine is now in the post, I hope! Need it very soon as I am going off in the m/home again very soon.

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Yes, yes, yes.

Arrived this morning, along with CC magazine, ASOC newsletter, a seed catalogue and "Shapely Figures" catalogue (that's nuevogirl's - honest).

So it seems that the conspiracy theorists were right all along in that the PO were holding back the, shall we say, non-personal stuff.

Now all I'm waiting on is the Christmas card someone put the wrong stamp on for which I had to pay an extra £1.10p.

That was over two weeks ago too.

Never mind, it gives us something extra to moan about. ;-)

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Ours arrived today along with a few other periodicals. All had been marked with a P with a ring round it. Our Post Man who had to ring the bell to get all the post in apologised for being late with his delivery telling us it was because "They have released all the postponed mail in one hit" making it clear perhaps for the benefit of all those who were blaming the publishers and distributors and threatening to cease subscribing where the real blame lay. Only problem is that our has arrived with the second Christmas holiday tranche of grandchildren so I'll have little opportunity to settle down for a quite read!


I'm so angry with the Royal Mail that I've steamed all the unfranked stamps off our Christmas card for recycling.


For those of you who were clearly suffering from withdrawal trauma I would suggest tuning into the Weekest Link and shouting at the contestants. Very therapeutic.


Despite this I have been comforted by this tread in that it confirmed that mine was not an isolated problem so there was no need to assume that my copy was lost.


Personally I love MMM. Won a pair of walking boots last year and a week at Sandy Balls this year. Mind you a really wanted to win a new generator but a week at Sandy Balls is worth having>

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Hardly any of our cards have been franked-. If cards have not been franked they cannot be traced and not included in delivery targets. As far as we and our family are concerned, Royal Mail is a joke!!


We lived in Germany for years, complete with snow. All our mail , going both ways, managed to get through on time. You pay for the service and expect your mail to arrive on time, especially when it has been sent on time.


Again, Warners are not to blame!!!!

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Our MMM arrived today (West Oxfordshire). Warners are not to blame! We sent 2 parcels to Glasgow on the 7th December (first class). One arrived soon afterwards and one has not arrived at all. My brother sent 4 cards to us mid- December. 2 arrived on Christmas Eve, one arrived yesterday and one has not arrived at all.

Hardly any of our cards have been franked-. If cards have not been franked they cannot be traced and not included in delivery targets. As far as we and our family are concerned, Royal Mail is a joke!!


We lived in Germany for years, complete with snow. All our mail , going both ways, managed to get through on time. You pay for the service and expect your mail to arrive on time, especially when it has been sent on time.


Sorry, lost part of this posting!!


Again, Warners are not to blame!!!!

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Well my MMM not arrived , rang yesterday ,no answer. Rang again today only to be told you will probably receive the Feb issue before the Jan issue.

I did mention a new be sent out but all she said was you will then have 2.

I pointed out that at present i do not HAVE 1!!!


So I have today cancelled my subscription and anyway why pay to read mostly adverts.

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Well my MMM not arrived , rang yesterday ,no answer. Rang again today only to be told you will probably receive the Feb issue before the Jan issue.

I did mention a new one be sent ou,t but all she said was you will then have 2.

I pointed out that at present i do not HAVE 1!!!


So I have today cancelled my subscription and anyway why pay to read mostly adverts.

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paulmold - 2010-12-30 1:55 PM


Cattwg - 2010-12-30 1:42 PM


I sent a polite e-mailed to the MMM subscription department 23/12/10 to make them aware that my magazine had not arrived. No point in ranting at them.

I was asked to wait until the first post after Christmas and to advise them if it still had not arrived. That post came but with no MMM. So I e-mailed them yesterday to advise of the non-delivery and received the reply below this morning.

So a copy should arrive to-morrow or Tuesday. :-D


My understanding from Collette's first reply is that it will be sent by First Class post.


Hi John

Sorry to hear that it still has not arrived.

I will ensure that a copy goes first thing today.






I also emailed the subscriptions department this morning and got a reply straight back from Collette who also said one would be sent out first class this afternoon. They have also arranged a meet with the Royal Mail in the New Year to discuss the problems.


Mine arrived today - not the one promised to be sent yesterday by first class but probably the 'lost' one as it was in the usual polythene wrap and franked 2nd class, so I'll probably end up with 2.

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