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sat nav


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Could anyone please tell me how to put latitude and longitude into my sat nav? For instance I want to go to N=046 21 275, E=014 04 829,but my sat nav has only room for six numbers as they are set out in the ACSI handbook. So which numbers do I leave out? Or do I have to do something else. Please keep it easy, as I do not have a maths degree and am past the age of being able to manage all things technical easily.
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Guest JudgeMental
It is really much easier to load data as a set of POI (all freely available) then sites/aires etc.... are easily accessed without having to enter anything.
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rupert123 - 2010-12-31 4:01 PM


Would need a few details of your sat nav to be exact but you can input lat/long in three different forms plus British national Grid one and your sat nav should be switchable to suit. You should have a select format screen.

Thanks very much as soon as I read your reply I realised what I was doing wrong. I have become brain washed through following the ACSI book and did not realise that I could put more numbers into the Sat Nav than are shown in the book. I have now tried out a route with the extra numbers and found that it works. Thanks again for your help.
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