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Sweden with a dog


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Has anyone entered Sweden with a dog. We plan to go there this summer via Netherlands, Germany and Denmark and then over the bridge on the E20 to Sweden. Are you stopped at the border or can you drive through like the rest of the EU. WE have travelled freely with our dog (under the pet passport scheme) to France, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece. There seems to be some mention of tapeworm treatment but I am not sure how the system works.
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Guest JudgeMental

welcome to the forum!:-D


I would try Swedish tourist board and for other travel information as well.


We have been up to Swedish Lapland a few times, so ask away if you want to know anything in particular. it is a beautiful and peaceful destination well worth the drive. The bridge is expensive the ferry (Helsingbourgh) a bit cheaper I think, worth comparing.... Viking museum at Rothskilde worth a visit before you cross.

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We were also thinking of taking our labrador to Sweden in May (midge free month?)


She is well traveled (spain italy switzerland etc) but i am a little wary of Sweden - my research is highlighting Ticks as a significant risk (TBE?).


has anybody any more knowledge/experience?





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I've looked this up myself as we are also interested in taking our dog there.

It seems that, since we have to go via other european countries, the dog must be given treatment for the tapeworm"echinococous" within 10 days of arrival.

ie. The same treatment (Milbemax/Drontal plus) as returning from France but with a much wider window. For most that would mean getting it done and passport stamped at our own vets before departure.



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Thanks, That is what I seem to have been coming up with but I do not know how or if it will be checked. Is every vehicle checked at the Swedish border or do you have to report to customs. As we will be staying for a week in the Netherlands beforehand it looks as I will have to visit a vet there before we move on. More expense; comeing back from France is a nice little earner for the French Vets. e45 for less tha 5 mins work.

Midges! thats the downside, on our last visit to Sweden nearly thirty years ago (in June) my ankle swelled up double and we had to find a clinic in a hurry. Need to take plenry of insect repellant and anti-histamines. However our lake district can be as bad. I have come up in lumps there too.

Going into Norway from Sweden, has anyone any experience of that?

Advantix is a very good tick treatment for dogs, kills more nasties than the usual UK ones(dont let it near your cats however). I take a supply after Bosun got covered in ticks in the Netherlands three years ago. Also Hibiscrub,antibiotics and painkillers after he got thorn like seed heads in three of his paws in the Italian Dolomites.

Ah the joys of pet ownership.

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They seem to have made rules about taking dog into Norway easier than last time i looked 2 years ago:-




I am more concerned about dangers of tick-borne encephalitis have seen the following quotes:-

"Sweden had the highest rate of tick-borne encephalitis, or TBE, in Western Europe last year" - Source Canadian Lyme disease Foundation 2005


"Canine TBE is characterized by lower morbidity, but a higher mortality rate, than human TBE, and dogs are often euthanized because of the severity of their clinical manifestations " - source http://www.actavetscand.com/content/51/1/56

Admittedly the second quote relates to Denmark.


Whilst its fairly straightforward for us to take precations (use of deet, gaters, etc) its not so straightford to stop our dog rooting around. We use tick treatment and that generally works fine but i am not sure that stops TBE infection and risk appears high/significant.


I feel i am going round in circles, can't make up my mind if i am worrying about nothing - I my just ask my daughter to look after Jess - it feels the safest option.







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We have not been to Sweden with our dog but would love to go after reading the book 'A Dog Abroad' by Bruce Fogle. It is well worth reading.


We have lots of experience with labradors in foreign countries and discovered whilst living in Crete that also has a bad problem with ticks that the best solution is to spray the dog all over with Frontline and check them every day. Especially in their ears and under their 'armpits'. We found the Frontline Spot treatment which the vets give is only really effective on small dogs and not up to protecting labradors and bigger dogs.


If you do go would love to hear how you get on.

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