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Mike & Jane Jago's Retirement.


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I've only just found out out about Mike and Jane's retirement via this thread. I had sent an e mail letter for the next available edition of the mag to them and thought it off I'd had no response. In July they printed a letter form me saying I wanted recommendations for sites that we like where we can park up for a few days and walk or cycle direct from the site, or use local public transport. A nearby pub and or shop is also handy. I also posted a similar request on this forum. Had loads of replies and have now pulled this info together in a little website. No it's not perfect ( I've had to learn website desing skills from scratch and there are a few gremlins yet to sort out) but I wanted ot say a big thanks to everyone who contacted me. I thought this was just going to be a little guide but its grown. Try it out www.topsites4motorhomes.co.uk. Can I still get that thankyou letter in the mag??


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Can I still get that thankyou letter in the mag??



Of course. I'm not sure what happened to the first letter (I wasn't here) but if you want to send a second one, especially a thank you letter, then please do.


Just to keep you all in the loop, the DVD/CD idea (see thread - could MMM do this), which will have the previous year's editions all in one handy (and easily stored) disc, is progressing. I am just pricing up the costs involved. I plan to make it a subscriber-only offer.


Also some of you have said you are interested in joining the reader forum (see earlier posts in this thread) for which I thank you. It is encouraging to see some of you are willing to take part. I am waiting for the results of the survey before progressing this any further.


Finally, the survey will be included in the April issue in most, although not all issues. If your copy doesn't have it inserted, and you want to fill it in then you will be able to complete it in online. I'll post a link when it has been set up, which will be a few weeks away yet.


Now I am taking your comments about not working too hard to heart and am going home to my wife and twins!





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