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Hi all, new to caravaning. My europa 470 has this very horrible blue wall paper. Am i right in thinking I can remove it and put new up? If so do I use normal wallpaper paste? Any help would be great Many Thanks
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Guest Bertiebrooke
Most caravan internal walls are covered with a thin plywood which in turn is covered in a heavy duty plasticised fabric that is glued on using a heavy duty glue. This covering is applied to the wall ply in the factory. Removing it may easily damage the thin plywood underneath. If it is a smooth surface then it would be OK to overlay it with a good quality paper of your choice, but get a sample first and use a heavy duty paste to try it on a small relatively inconspicuous area first before going to town. Remember caravan interiors are subject to much higher changes in humidity and temperature than your sittingroom, so a covering recommended for bathrooms would be the most appropriate.
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