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Carrying Important Contact Details


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This may be an old tip but I thought it worth repeating for newer forum members or those going to Europe for the first time.

Before travelling abroad I always make two lists containing the passport and other important telephone, insurance policy and credit card numbers, one for my wallet and the other for my wife’s purse. There is also an emergency UK contact number.

If the worst happens and your motorhome is stolen it’s a stark fact but all you’ve got is what you are standing up in! So with these lists at least you have all the contact numbers needed. We always carry the mobile phone as well – based on similar thinking.

And of course we always hide all documents within the ’van with photocopies hidden in a different place.

Unless we are in a campsite we always carry our passports. In some countries of course you would need to carry them as ID.

Cattwg :-D

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Hi John

We do similar to you but also back them up on a USB stick, so all we need is access to a Printer for scanned copies of the document(s). Would also work on a SD Card.

Either are easily hidden in a secure place or on your person. (but takes the wife a while to find if she puts it in her handbag)

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That's a great idea of using a USB stick/SD card!.. (^)

We've got paper copies of the "obvious" insurance certificte,V5 etc in the van..but with the stick/card idea you could have full copies of loads of stuff(..driving license,inc' paper section,passport,any medical insurance documents etc)

They could even contain photos the actual vehicle or any other valuables that you may have in the van,making reporting a theft easier.


Great tip flicka ;-)

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Just expanding the SD Card idea (but we currently use the USB Stick)

Also if you travel with a Laptop or Netbook the documents can be viewed on screen at any time.

But if the Motorhome is stolen, in most instances the Laptop would also go with it, so it's sensible to have an external copy.

If I  use a SD that fits my Camera, it would mean I can also view the documents on the Camera.

Think it's both for me in future.

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Yet another timely reminder,thanks for raising it Cattwg, Thanks also to Flicka, I always photograph my documents then load them onto my Laptop, never give it a thought about keeping them on the SD card, so just ordered a new 2gb SD card just for that purpose ,may even go the extra yard and use a USB stick as well, I have a 2hr Fireproof document safe bolted to a certain None too accessible part of the interior of the Motorhome, for original,s, Now everyone know,s

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Hi, My wife and I have been visiting Spain for 9 years now, we have discovered that all our Ex-Pat friends in Calpe have credit card sized copies of their passports, which they use for I.D. the local photo shop does this and charges €5.00.

we have used our own ones many times --car hire,shops, museums,it is nice to have your passport in your wallet or handbag!

Best Wishes Dave.

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big olga - 2011-01-31 11:06 PM


Hi, My wife and I have been visiting Spain for 9 years now, we have discovered that all our Ex-Pat friends in Calpe have credit card sized copies of their passports, which they use for I.D. the local photo shop does this and charges €5.00.

we have used our own ones many times --car hire,shops, museums,it is nice to have your passport in your wallet or handbag!

Best Wishes Dave.


Great idea

Which page(s) of Passport do you copy? Presumably it is also laminated?


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PJay - 2011-01-31 11:59 PM


big olga - 2011-01-31 11:06 PM


Hi, My wife and I have been visiting Spain for 9 years now, we have discovered that all our Ex-Pat friends in Calpe have credit card sized copies of their passports, which they use for I.D. the local photo shop does this and charges €5.00.

we have used our own ones many times --car hire,shops, museums,it is nice to have your passport in your wallet or handbag!

Best Wishes Dave.


Great idea

Which page(s) of Passport do you copy? Presumably it is also laminated?





The page to copy is the one with your name and photo on, and your passport number in the top right corner.





It is a legal requirement throughout Spain to carry ID at all times - this requirement applies to Spanish and non-Spanish permanent residents and to visitors too.


Whilst it's not technically a legal proof of ID that lawyers/official Govt offices would accept in Spain, as it is a photocopy, not the original document, both Kathy and I carry them all the time and show it whenever asked for ID.

I've never had mine turned down yet when being asked to show ID as well as my credit card when paying for goods in shops (this happens all the time in Spain).


I also have and carry a credit card sized laminated photocopy of my driving licence (the credit card sized bit that has you details and photo on).


Any photographic shop or printing shop in Spain can do these laminated credit card sized copies for you while you wait.

I assume a similar UK shop could do them too?




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HI, the photo page is copied and the front cover ; then it is laminated. It just looks like a U.K passport and of course it is credit card size. In Northern Ireland our U.K /Euro driving licence is credit card size ,with your photo on so that is handy also. We even have our N.I.Es done in the same fashion!

Best Wishes ,Dave And left hand drive "Big Olga"

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We have 2 SD cards, one each, with scanned copies of all our documents on including vehicle and holiday insurance, ours and the dogs' passports, driving licences, emergency contact details for the various organisations etc, photos of us and the dogs.


We also have a Word document with all our info on - such as who we are, where we live, when we arrived, when we are to depart, next of kin, that we have the dogs with us, details of our motorhome etc.


The SD cards are kept in small cases with 'please read in an emergency' labels on so that if anything happens to both of us they can be found easily and the information used to contact our family (hopefully it will never be needed!!!!).

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Just on a darker note can i recommend I.C.E. . Put an entry on your mobile phone under ICE (incase of emergency) and if your incapacitated after an accident the emergency services know who to get in touch with quickly and have a name and a couple of numbers to try. You may know about this but it's worth a reminder every now and again.
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Whilst I understand and appreciate why some people might prefer a more high tec approach to carrying important contact details I would suggest that my very low tec method does have advantages.

1. A slip of paper takes up virtually no room in a wallet or purse.

2. The details are available 24/7 – not the case if your laptop is stolen

along with your ’van and/or the theft is discovered when all the

cyber cafés are closed or are miles away.

3. As many copies as is deemed necessary can be made at virtually no cost.


But as always, whatever suits the individual concerned.


Cattwg :-D

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Cattwg - 2011-02-06 5:44 PM


Whilst I understand and appreciate why some people might prefer a more high tec approach to carrying important contact details I would suggest that my very low tec method does have advantages.

Cattwg :-D


Using a webmail account to store the info does have one great advantage:

Worst case - you are mugged and relieved of all your wallets, purses and the van keys...

You could be left with literally nothing, but as long as you remember your email account details you can retreive the essential information....


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