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Remis cab blinds in 2004 Boxer van conversion


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Has anyone out there experience of using or fitting Remis pleated blinds in a 2004 Boxer van conversion? Can they be fitted DIY, do they insulate, do they impede vision? Having a A/S Symbol I have no room to store silver screens. Any advice will be very much appreciated
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Hi Mike

The Remis blinds are available as two versions

Original bottom to top, new version side to centre draw - meet in middle (not sure if the new version will fit an 04 Boxer)


Fitting instructions are available here




& should give you an indication if it is something you would take on yourself or not.


Insulation value I regard as low for cold weather, but I find they do stop too much heat build-up when parked facing the sun.

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They're convenient for privacy, but not good for insulation, and in some vehicles (depending on blind version), they can intrude on both view out of the windscreen and through the door mirrors.

They're also a pretty expensive aftermarket buy.

I'm sure you know your loading possibilities better than I do, but in a similar 'van we always carried silver screens in the toilet/shower compartment whilst travelling. On-site, they were in use anyway.

The bag supplied (at least by Silverscreens) is waterproof enough to put them away in after use (and then putting them in the shower tray was a good idea anyway).

Whilst leaving them on whilst on-site cuts down on light, the ones with a drop-down front for vision lend themselves more to permanent on-site use.

Considerably cheaper option, and much better insulation.   

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To underline the above, Remis blinds do not provide thermal insulation, and are not intended to.  They are intended to provide privacy and black out only, which they do well.  By excluding direct sunlight through cab windows, they can also alleviate some of the solar heat build up inside a van - but not by much if parked in direct, strong, sun.

They increase the bulk of the A pillars, the sideways sliding version by somewhat more than the vertical sliders.  Some have found this irritating.  The loss of vision is, in my experience, most apparent on fairly sharp bends, when it can be necessary to move your head to one side a bit to check for obstructions in the slightly larger blind spot they create.  The closer to the screen you sit, the more you are likely to be affected.  I am aware of this drawback at times, but find the overall benefit of the blinds far outweighs this relatively minor drawback.

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