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wiring diagram

Guest robert lansdowne

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Guest robert lansdowne
hi does anybody have a wiring diagram for a mclouis 410 lagan or can they tell me if the 220 volt light is supposed to stay lit when connected to the liesure battery thank you
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Guest Frank Gordon
Your best bet for a wiring diagram would be to contact the McLouis importer Don Amott (www.donamott.com) Can't really help with your 220v light enquiry as I'm not sure I understand it. Presumably, if the light is '220v only', it can only work when your motorhome is connected to a mains hook-up - are you saying it still works when this supply is disconnected? If this is so, I've got a feeling that some lights may have a dual 220v/12v capability. Not sure where I've got this idea from, so it would be sensible to ask Don Amott about this as they should know.
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Guest Frank Gordon
I've being mulling over this some more. Is this 220v light you refer to not actually a 'light' to provide illumination, rather an indicator-light on your motorhome's electrical control-panel to indicate the vehicle is hooked-up to a live mains power supply? If that's the case, then I wouldn't think it should be on when the vehicle isn't connected to a 220v source. On the other hand control-panels occasionally carry dual-function indicators. My brain's beginning to hurt - best to talk to a McLouis agent.
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