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Should I take my laptop?


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I am going to France Spain and Portugal soon and I wonder if it is worth taking my laptop? I have never taken one before and managed quite well without.


We tend to use aires and wild camp and I have a satnav with all the usual POIs.


Are WiFi spots available?



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There are plenty of wifi spots and wifi on campsites. Its free here at conil de la frontera.


Depends on what you use the laptop for. I use it for banking and e-mail. I also use it to read the papers as locally they are very expensive.


As you say you mange without then its up to you




ps and useing this forum

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My only concern would be the potential to having it stolen when you leave it in your van, there were some letters in previous MMM's regarding people being gassed whilst in their van - knocking you out and when you wake all your things are gone, or being broken into whilst in their van sleeping - not by locals but by foreign immigrants looking for stuff to sell, apparently they target UK vans as they know we tend to carry stuff about....


Sorry don't wish to frighten you - they are probably isolated incidents and usually you are ok on sites.





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t5tripper - 2011-02-14 1:16 PM


My only concern would be the potential to having it stolen when you leave it in your van, there were some letters in previous MMM's regarding people being gassed whilst in their van - knocking you out and when you wake all your things are gone, or being broken into whilst in their van sleeping - not by locals but by foreign immigrants looking for stuff to sell, apparently they target UK vans as they know we tend to carry stuff about....


Sorry don't wish to frighten you - they are probably isolated incidents and usually you are ok on sites.




I really cannot see the point of all the doom above,and some say the gas thing is an urban myth but handy for an insurance claim, how is it the gassers are not overcome too when they get in your van. Let's face it you may as well include the person who suffered a direct lightening bolt directly on their laptop through the window, and Alien's after your Imac .All of us carry gear that is attractive to a thief. To be honest if the above is really an issue my advice would be leave everything at home including yourself, or just try to use your common sense and not stop anywhere you feel vulnerable like mway service areas, and yes we take ours and the kitchen sink. Plus I fail to see why they would target UK vans, I'm sure there are lots of goodies to nick in any nationalities vans. :-D

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We took ours with us on our last trip, but we found finding free wifi and accessing it extremely difficult to the point of frustration. The various McD's we tried the previous year all needed access codes, which meant making a purchase, and I refuse to cross the threshold of McD's as a matter of reasonable good taste, excuse the pun.


We tend not to use sites much and avoid cities, so a laptop is a hinderance rather than an asset


If you are PC/internet savvy, (which we ain't) you might be able to have some success. We did speak to a variety of people about internet access, who as far as I can remember mostly reported problems/difficulties of one thing or another.


Lugging a laptop around is no fun. We probably won't bother again as we generally used free/very low cost internet access in libraries, schools, local council offices, tourist info etc.


We did overhear some people using Skype to speak to a relative, what a parlaver that was to behold. Really it was like watching something from an early film were folks shout at each other down the line and never hear what the other person is saying. Not worth the bother in my view.

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t5tripper - 2011-02-14 1:16 PM

people being gassed whilst in their van - knocking you out and when you wake all your things are gone,




I don’t want to send this tread away in another direction but I couldn’t let the statement about gassing go by without commenting. A couple of years ago one of the magazines did an item on by an anaesthetist who said categorically it was not possible and gave a lengthy explanation of why not.

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Well Starvin


"We did overhear some people using Skype to speak to a relative, what a parlaver that was to behold. Really it was like watching something from an early film were folks shout at each other down the line and never hear what the other person is saying. Not worth the bother in my view."


I regularly have crystal clear video calls to my brother in Spain for FREE with no problems. When in France we pick up MacDonalds from outside with no problem however they may have introduced a buy a coffee to gain an access code but that is no problem. Great to speak to and see the children/grandchildren.


I am afraid the shouting into the phone is no different to the mobile phone use in public places although I have not found I need to when using Skype.


Halli I have found no difficulty in obtaining free WiFi in France. I parked in an aires in Redon and logged on using the local Chamber of Commerce so spoke to and saw all the family. I also subscribe to Skype which reduces the cost of calls to land lines.

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Never travel without one, although mine like at lot of Motorhome's is a smaller lighter netbook.


Easiest way to find free wifi in France is visit the local tourist office they can usually tell which bars, cafes etc have it.

Skype or MSM will save a fortune in phone bills when keeping in touch with the family.



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Unless you NEED one I wouldnt bother :-S I never took my laptop as we watch our weights and I would rather take a few more clothes (lol) but last year I bought a little notebook and downloaded the free Skype incase I found a free wifi hotspot , we are away for 6 weeks and I do miss my kids and grand-children, I think I only managed two or three times in the full six weeks, Im thinking I might just buy a dongle this year if I can find one cheap enough I had £60 on my mobile last year when we went I still have over £10 left on so Im thinking I might mix and match.


So unless you are wanting to keep in touch and dont Bank etc; we dont !you can do with out it.

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We always take one as I am a keen photographer and use it to manage pictures when away. Could not care less about keeping in touch, my mobile is on if anyone needs to contact me. For wifi BT internet has a rapidly expanding range of hotspots all over europe which are free to users of their service.
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Think it is one of those questions which boils down to personal choice ie how much do you or would you make use of lap top? Looking at the thread you can see there are fors & againsts.

Re break in , security etc guess you wouldn't do anything if you are always worried about what is going to happen. Goes without saying you don't leave things on view. We have fitted the StrikeBack alarm but if they are going to break in they are.

Coming back to lap top, on our first & unfortunately only trip abroad so far we did take the lap top to Spain ( we also do our banking, etc on line ) & number of sites had free Wifi which of course we used but some were expensive & didn't use them but also found in some Cities / Towns they had free WiFi spots. Also as previously mentioned we found Internet cafes which are good value so didn't need to use laptop.

Again as previous comments we also used for loading photos, looking up sites & directions even though the books give good info. Plus we were able to e mail family & friends at no extra cost rather than using mobile phone.

Then it really came in handy when one of us took ill & was advised by Malaga Hospital to return home asap, to enable us to book the ferry back.

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hallii - 2011-02-14 8:33 PM


JudgeMental, you are to blame for me now wanting a Blackberry, I have told my wife it's your fault!

If you're going to use it (or any mobile) abroad, it's a good idea to check your calling and data costs before you do. Most UK network suppliers charge extortionately for foreign 'roaming'.


If your network supplier has enabled it, you can use a BlackBerry or other smartphone to make calls over wifi, which would be much cheaper.


It would be worth your while to have a Google around for ideas. "Roaming charges" is a good starting point.



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I holidayed in europe 04 05 and will be back 12 my lap top was an essential part of my holiday.We used it as our tv with the addition of a tv capture card we wrote all of our emails and downloaded them on to drives to send at inet cafes.Can't wait to use reams of maca's internet for the price of a coffee and also there are lots of free wireless sites all around europe. I'm using my old lap top and if some one nicks it im sure my insurers will buy me a new one.
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Comforting re comment about gassing - I either read about it on the forum or in MMM so assumed it was true....


Re: Blackberry, I have one, love and adore it, despite having to walk 150 yards away from the house to pick up the signal... the joy of country living - wouldn't swap it for the world.



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We always take the laptop when holidaying in the van...UK or abroad. We have a mobile dongle for internet, so can use this pretty much anywhere in Uk, but for France we rely on Wifi, often free, or at very little cost. Yes,, some places require you to purchase say a cup of coffee or something, but - so what, you often need such refreshment, and its no hardship to us to contribute to the local coffers in that way, anymore than paying a small for for an Aire or Municipal campsite.!!! Why is it that we now seem to be in an era of expecting 'something for nothing'...??

It enables us to keep up with e-mails, travel/tourist info, book ferries, and plan routes - much easier to plan with Autouroute or similar programmes than on the Satnav!

We also purchased a 10" screen 'notebook' for our trip to Canada last year (no,not in the motorhome!), and found this extremely useful in booking hotels etc and tourist info especially, and in almost every hotelwe stayed, there was free wifi.It was also very useful fo rdown-loading camera cards as a backup most days.

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