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fuse geting hot


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in spain at moment and have noticed that the main 30 amp fuse to van services is getting hot, in fact one nearly melted,rather then blew,have had bad flu for last 2 weeks and now feel like trying to sort the problem out,any ideas please, it is a ford transit with an elnagh body,and the main fuse block is in the engine compartment, help please
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I take it you are referring to the 12 volt supply.


Check the fuse is a good tight fit in the holder, the retaining clips may have sprung a bit with age and are not gripping the fuse tightly.

Also check all connections to the fuse holder a slightly loose connection can cause arcing which will draw more current & the fuse will get hot. It is not unknown for poor quality fuses to run hot this can also happen if the fuse is old or the contacts dirty.



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This is quite a common problem and is nearly always down to a loose or dirty contact between the fuse blade and it's holder's push fit 'lucar' type contacts. It stems from a combination of badly positioned fuse/relay boxes and cheap and nasty components in my view!


Firstly, make sure you hadve some good quality new fuses and then would remove each - one at a time to avoid confusion - and either clean and refit or replace it according to it's condition.


You should be able to feel the resistance as the fuse slides back in and if you have any doubt that it is not tight enough it is not too difficult to insert a small narrow screwdriver - or nail file - to lever the contacts slightly closer together. Alternatively you might be able to withdraw the female lucar receptor from below the fuse box - depending on type. Do be careful when you go prodding about that you don't break anything or cause a short circuit!


I always carry spare fuses, a metail nail file ground narrow enough to clean inside a lucar connector, and some emery boads which can easily be cut narrow enough to do the same job as well as clean the blades of the fuse.


Forgive the long winded over elaborate description in case you were unsure exactly what to do but you should be able to sort it from this I trust?



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