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Hello from new poster - but for how long?

Guest ChrisB

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Hello fellow motorhomers/campingcaristes.

Although I have been motorhoming for 15 years, and previous to that camping/caravanning for 20 years (mainly in France), I have been reading the informative topics on this forum for over 5 years (since subscribing to MMM). I have been wary of joining in the discussions as (how can I put this diplomatically?) I despair when one or two members appear to feel obliged to comment on almost every post (whether or not they have anything relevant to add) and seem intent on alienating many of the more thoughtful and knowledgeable posters who freely give of their time and expertise. Being the sensitive sort I don't react well to criticisms!

Well, I have got my retaliation in first and look forward to asking one or two questions and replying (on topic) where I feel I have something useful/relevant to add based on my knowledge and experience.

If anyone feels that I am having a go at them and wishes to respond feel free now. I will probably not respond as I have learnt from my professional involvement in forums that ignoring irrelevant and/or aggressive replies is the best option!





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Guest pelmetman
Hello Chris, this forum needs sensitive types, we are currently looking for a sensitive social worker type person to look after a couple of our residents, someone who can understand them, and will help them with anger management issues :D (lol) (lol)
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MelB (haven't mastered the "quotes" yet)

That's a bit personal isn't it? But willng to continue the discussions via PMs!



Love your posts

Edit - spelling was never one of my strong points

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pelmetman - 2011-02-24 8:48 PM


Hello Chris, this forum needs sensitive types, we are currently looking for a sensitive social worker type person to look after a couple of our residents, someone who can understand them, and will help them with anger management issues :D (lol) (lol)


Hi Chris & welcome, Dave, that's my profession - for my sins 8-)


Chris, good to have a newcomer on board, I hope you post away on whatever you like. I can understand how some folk might be intimidated, like seeing "expert" at the side of some contributors names.


Like mine for example. You're probably aware but if not I'll tell you that it merely relates to the number of posts made - nothing more, nothing less.


There are some real characters on here, virtual yes, but characters nonetheless. There are some really good sources of help, info, humour, you name it, it's here in abundance.


The best tip I can offer you is this, once you've identified contributors who rattle your cage - avoid them. if they, in your view, go over the top - report them.



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Guest Tracker

Welcome to the forum ChrisB.


There is no need to be afraid as most of us on here will help if we can and very few bite unless biten first or to try and stop someone else being biten again!


That was quite a strong opening statement that you made.


THe quotes bit is easy when you know how!


Before replying click on quote instead of reply and the whole of the message you wish to quote on comes up.


Highlight and delete any bits that you dont need from the quoted area and then type in your reply and click on submit - or preview.


If you preview it - er -previews the whole reply and quoted area so that you can modoify if you wish before clicking on submit.


Having submitted it you then have 30 minutes to edit it after you have read it again and spotted if anything went awry.


Don't worry about cock ups we all make 'em and we all get teased for it - it's just part of the forum and as long as a sense of proportion and sense of humour is retained you will have no problems.


Welcome again and good luck!


Now, was there something you wanted to ask?

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LordThornber - 2011-02-24 9:31 PM


747 - 2011-02-24 9:11 PM


Hi Chris,


Never trust a member with a moustache.


They are the worst offenders. *-)


I agree, watch out for that MelB....................... :D :D




Stop nicking my punch line. :-D

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[i will probably not respond as I have learnt from my professional involvement in forums that ignoring irrelevant and/or aggressive replies is the best option!







hi chris welcome,

as mentioned on previous posts..dont be put off..there a good bunch on here ....honest :-D

but im just intrigued..as your quote above..youve had professional involvement in forums..but you dont know how to quote? hmmmm 8-)

you did say as well..get it in now :-D

also, stick around all them years doing the outdoor life, im sure you have plenty to give this forum (by far the best for helpfulness)

prob get slated for that bit..but what the hell :-D




ps, are they really odd shaped.. (?) (?) from mel b

whats all that about (?)

do you know something Mel?

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silverback - 2011-02-24 9:47 PM


but im just intrigued..as your quote above..youve had professional involvement in forums..but you dont know how to quote? hmmmm 8-)

you did say as well..get it in now :-D

also, stick around all them years doing the outdoor life, im sure you have plenty to give this forum (by far the best for helpfulness)

prob get slated for that bit..but what the hell :-D




ps, are they really odd shaped.. (?) (?) from mel b

whats all that about (?)

do you know something Mel?


Many thanks for all of the supportive replies. In response to "Silverback" I think I hae cracked the "quote" for this forum. The "professional" ones I belong to automatically add the previous contribution(s) when you reply and you simply delete unwanted text (mostly on Yahoo groups).

I have no idea what MelB is referring to either - but it's intriguing and perhaps one day she will expand.


I will shortly be asking for opinions on new motorhomes. We have some unusual and specific requirements which I don't recall having been discussed here - but I could be wrong.



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ChrisB - 2011-02-24 11:19 PM


I have no idea what MelB is referring to either - but it's intriguing and perhaps one day she will expand.



A common problem with women as they grow older, I understand, but that's almost as cheeky as Mel's question of you! :D :D


You've suggested continuing the debate with Mel by PM, she would probably suggest eMail as the answer. *-) *-)

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Welcome to you - most of us that use the forum are very nice people and I have really had some great advice and help with the various things I have wanted to know about. There are some very experienced people in the forum with years of motorhoming, for us near new people they are invaulable for helping us out with our sometimes a bit daft questions.


I hope you enjoy being part of the forum.



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