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Motorhome Weights


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Hi Colin

Looks like they are taking the proverbial


SITA North Farm Civic Amenity Site

North Farm Industrial Estate

Dowding Way

Tunbridge Wells, TN2 3UY

Capacity: 50 tonnes

Open: Monday - Friday 08.00 - 16.30

Saturday 08.00 - 12.00


But have a look at alternative in your area:-



I extracted these stat's from a VOSA document.

"More than 57,500 vehicles were stopped and weighed by VOSA. The results are as follows:

Vehicles weighed Vehicles found prohibited/overloaded prohibited

HGV 50,223 3,770 7.51%

PSV 297 16 5.39%

LGV 7,006 1,466 20.92%

(inserted - LGV includes Motorhomes upto 7.5tonnes)

Clearly the problem is extensive, most notably with Light Goods Vehicles, but also significantly with Heavy Goods Vehicles and Passenger Service Vehicles."


No wonder we see more Roadside Checks on Motorhomes. *-) *-)

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It is illegal to drive a vehicle that weighs more than it plated MGW. If the police stop you, they will make you reduce your weight. They will not "do" you for driving without a licence, meaning you are uninsured.


It is illegal to drive a vehicle with a plated MGW greater than permitted by your licence. If the police stop you, you will be "done" for driving without a licence, and thus for driving without insurance.


But there used to be a clause on insurance certificates that said "holds a licence .... or has held a licence and is not disqualified ...." Is it still there? So if you used to have an MGV licence, but have let it lapse, are you insured?


I believe that a court ruled that "disqualified" meant disqualified by a court, not disqualified by reason of age, etc.


Whatever, if you have an accident while driving over either limit, it may be that your insurers will refuse to pay for own damage.


There is no point in drinking a few bottles of wine to reduce your weight, it will still be inside you, when you climb back into the cab for the vehicle to be weighed. On the other hand, you could claim the 5% allowance for increase in weight during the journey .... provided you had receipts for the wine bought just down the road. I doubt that this concession was intend for that purpose, but does the Act actually say?


602 (who weighs 100kg in his socks)

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JudgeMental - 2011-03-02 4:36 PM


But Tony you weighed it? So why did you not note rear axle?


A bike rack and bikes can sometimes actually improve front axle capacity because of the fulcrum effect? *-)


I know there's no arguing with this theory of mechanics Judge but it never stood up with our previous 3.85t Fiat. Didn't matter what you added to the rear the load on the front axle would always be 1.65kg. Anyone else come across this?

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I've just weighed our Adria Compact for the first time in touring trim - the two of us, kitchen gear, bedding etc., almost full fuel and water tanks, an electric trike, my mountain bike, chairs etc., toolbox and spare wheel, all in the "garage". The only bits not onboard were food and clothes.


I'm still chasing my dealer about replating to 3500 kgs., so am still running at 3300 kgs., with max. front and rear axle weights at 1750 and 1900 kgs. respectively.


Weighbridge results as follows-


Gross weight 3240 kgs.


Front axle. 1510 kgs.


Rear axle. 1730 kgs.


Only gives me 60 kgs. at the moment but I'll be more than happy once the replating is completed.


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I also just had our Benimar weighed - decided to see what she weighed more or less empty. So out came bedding, tins & most of the garage contents, 1/4 tank of diesel & no water. AND no me! (95 Kg)

Came in at 3200Kg. We are plated to 3850 so 650 to play with.

(We were thinking of down-plating to 3500 for the extra speed, but thats now out of the window - 100Kg water, 95 Kg me, leaving only approx 100Kg for 3/4 tank of diesel, bedding & wine - Oh yes & my wife!)

Bathroom scales out for the weekend to weigh all the junk back in now so we know where we are.


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laimeduck - 2011-03-12 9:11 AM


We were thinking of down-plating to 3500 for the extra speed

It's the unladen weight which it the relevant figure. If over 3050kg you are restricted to lower limits on single and dual carriageways.



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Andy_C - 2011-03-12 11:30 AM


laimeduck - 2011-03-12 9:11 AM


We were thinking of down-plating to 3500 for the extra speed

It's the unladen weight which it the relevant figure. If over 3050kg you are restricted to lower limits on single and dual carriageways.




That is only in the UK the rest of Europe it is the 3500kg that is relevant e.g over 3500kg French Autoroute 90kph, German Autobahn 100kph





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Robinhood - 2011-03-04 1:58 PM


Melvin - 2011-03-04 11:14 AM


Regarding Gross Train Weights, there is no mention in my Autotrail supplied handbook (Vehicle Specification) of gross train weight (just maximum gross weight) or to that matter tyre pressures, I assume they expect you to comply with the supplied Fiat Handbook ( these are both legal documents) with state maximum trailer weight 2500 kg/ gross train weight 6500 kg.


However, I have noticed on Autotrail revamped site under 'technical feature/measurement'' they now specify Max Towing Weight, the replacement for my Cheynne 660 the Cherokee is 1040 kg. As from April 2012 all motorhome towbar will have to type approved, this will cause serious probless regarding towing cars on trailers?


According to the 2008 brochure, the Maximum Gross Train Weight for a 2008 Cheyenne 660 is also 5040kg. 8-)


I would look very carefully at the weight plate under the bonnet, or any secondary plate fitted by Auto-Trail, to ascertain what that says (since, if you get pulled on the road, that is the figure that will be sought and used by the authorities).


If it doesn't align with the 5040kg set out in the brochure, I would also be chasing Auto-Trail for their view on the correct figure.


See extract below:


I took your advice and checked for a secondary plate fitted by Autotrail, nothing under the bonnet, just the standard 3500 kg, Paul at Autotrail advised I also check in the locked next to the build No. nothing, apparently it should have been fitted at the factory and checked by the supplying dealer (read hopeless). I have been informed by Autotrail if I had been stoppped and checked by the authorities they would have adhered to the 3500 kg plate, and I would have been overweight. My log book is all in order 4005 kg, Autotrail are sending out the correct plate.

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Robinhood - 2011-03-15 10:25 AM


...not entirely why I suggested that you check the plate, but it looks like it's a good job you did. 8-)


Be interesting to see what GTW the new plate shows.


It's a minefield out there (!)


Autotrail have extended the Fiat chassis, they have put the extended chassis under test, the plate will read 4000 kg and 5040 kg.


Cheers Robinhood, my Motorhome is due for its first MOT next month as well.

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