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All the aires


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Ours arrived to-day 1st class publication we have purchased  No1 No2 now No3 looks great cannot wait to get over to France and sample some of the new additions also armed with the new ASCI / CC discount guide hopefully looks likeley to be a good year touring France.
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Guest Tracker

There was a discusion a few weeks ago about the big price hike for All the Aires France and although I have not seen a copy I have my doubts?


The downside of the more expensive guide books is that if you have to get a new one every year why does it need to be so detailed or is it just as easy to get a cheap one if younintend to replace it annually?


I don't know about you good folk but I don't need fancy photos etc after all it's only and Aire and I am not going to be there more than one night - maybe two sometimes - so all I need to know are the sat nav coordinates, a brief description of what it is, where it is, what it offers, and what it costs?


Or do you all prefer the all signing and dancing bells and whistles version and I am just a grumpy tight fisted old codger at odds with everyone else - again?

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I have received my copy of Ed3 today and although I was concerned with regard to the price. I have an initial glance through it I am really pleased with it, much better than Ed2. At least we can have a lot more confidence in this issue as "all" of the aires have been photographed and inspected in either 2010 or 2011. Several sites have now closed and this is usefull information as well.

So there you have it £20 well spent and cost saved on one night away.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
I must confess I was less than impressed with the 2nd edition, containing as it does entries such as "not recommended" some that were no longer open, some that were listed were in the wrong place completely. Of course the publishers could not be up to speed with every change. Maybe this edition is better, and it would be useful no doubt for folk that have yet to explore France and the system of Aires.
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Guest JudgeMental

I would be more impressed and consider it, if it came with a set of sat nav downloads to make location dead easy *-)


But I find it hard to get excited regards what is essentially a car park for an overnight stay on route. I drive till I am tired, then pull up nearest selection on sat nav and head to one...If I dont like the look of it we move to another :-S


I admit that some are nicer then others when you get up in the morning, but as not much of a destination in themselves to me that hardly matters.....


useful but much prefer sites with a bit of greenery and space and a bit more security as well

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JudgeMental - 2011-03-03 7:24 PM


I would be more impressed and consider it, if it came with a set of sat nav downloads to make location dead easy *-)


But I find it hard to get excited regards what is essentially a car park for an overnight stay on route. I drive till I am tired, then pull up nearest selection on sat nav and head to one...If I dont like the look of it we move to another :-S


I admit that some are nicer then others when you get up in the morning, but as not much of a destination in themselves to me that hardly matters.....


useful but much prefer sites with a bit of greenery and space and a bit more security as well


Spot on Eddie, we have edition two, hardly look at it now. It would be good if they would let you download sat nav co-ordinates either for a fee or as ACSI do just by buying the book. For this price, when you compare it with the Bordatlas very expensive.

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Very impressed with ed.3. Have already put it to use today as ed. 2 is in the van. I have not had time to look at it in detail yet but can tell by the thickness and info inside that it will get a lot of use. Well done Vicarious books on possibly the best aires book out there for the British market.



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I for one use this a lot and 3rd edition is better. The personal comments help to decide if this is where we go. Costs of several hols a year can be expensive so aires are good but a poor aire can ruin a holiday so this book ticks all the boxes for us.


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