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Renewable Heat Incentive

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It's a bit of a no brainer really.


The generally accepted rules of supply and demand suggest that when demand is low subsidies (or discounts) are higher and when demand is high subsidies (or discounts) are lower as anyone in business will tell you.


The greater the take up and the closer total PV generation gets to government targets the more likely it is that 'donations' to newcomers will fall.


As for the 25 year subsidy guarantee - we shall see - but I am forever an optimist!


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It's behind a paywall but the gist of the report in the FT is :-


" Intense discussions are taking place about precisely how far to cut the small-scale solar “feed-in tariff” (FiT) which pays households and companies for energy produced.


Some officials in the Department of Energy and Climate Change are calling for a reduction in the subsidy by three-quarters, according to industry sources.


That would mean a fall from the current level of up to 43p per kilowatt hour generated, to as little as 9p per kWh – a move which the industry claims would be devastating. If the government follows past precedent, any change would not affect homeowners with existing solar panels."


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I believe that the 'industry' would be right to assume that a huge cut would be devastating. We certainly would not have gone ahead if the FIT had been much lower, as five to six years is the maximum time that we would have considered suitable at our ages to be a worthwhile return of our investment finance. It is doubtful that we will gain the full twenty five year benefit so each year above the five or six will be a bonus for us.



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Just been quoted £10120 for a 3kwh system - 12 panels. It was slightly less than I would have expected but am undecided whether it would be money well spent when we have so many other jobs we would like to do to the house. The thought of getting a nice cheque every year is tempting though. It would be a tax free way to top up our expected next to nothing pension incomes.. :-S
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Sounds a bit expensive, our 4kw 16 panel system was only £1000 more. Seeing you are in Suffolk area, was it a company based in Newmarket that quoted you by any chance as they quoted us £3000 more than we have paid and that was for a for a somewhat lesser system.



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Hi Tracker,


I posted on here (on page 2 of this thread whilst I think you were away), and because there has been a few people writing since, I don't think you have read what has been added. I have tried to add it to this but I don't seem to be able to. so please will you have a look on page 2 on the 1st Jean & Ray and tell me what you think. I know others await your comments also. Thank you.



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If you are unable to install before 8th December, it probably won't be so worth your while. Announcement looks likely to be made soon.


This info has just been given to me by one of the electricians who gave me a quote. I still say wait and see what is announced in the next few days.



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Basil - 2011-10-27 5:25 PM


Sounds a bit expensive, our 4kw 16 panel system was only £1000 more. Seeing you are in Suffolk area, was it a company based in Newmarket that quoted you by any chance as they quoted us £3000 more than we have paid and that was for a for a somewhat lesser system.




Hi Bas, no not a Newmarket company.

RE the cost, surely most of the cost is taken up with scaffolding, wages, etc .One or two more or one or two less panels may not actually make that much difference to the overall price? Like if you build an extension, most of the cost is in the footings, not how many storeys high you go?

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Everyone has till the end of March at the latest to get the current feed in tariff. There is a review for the NEW TARIFF which will come into operation after March. If you install by Feb to be safe you will get the higher rate.

That is why there is a mad rush by all these companies to give it to you free as they want that money


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Guest Tracker

For the benefit of those who have asked, our system comprises -


The pv panels -




The inverter -




The smart meter -




Everything else is just connecting cables and fitting brackets!




We have 16 x 250 w (nominal) panels on half of the roof to get to the 4 kw.

If I use power that my panels generate I still get paid 46p a unit for generating it whereas if I use power from the grid I have to pay NPower 14p a unit.

The immersion heater is 2 kw and we are often generating more than that when the sun shines!

Even if we only generate 1 kw and I have to pay 14 p for the other 1 kw, I still get paid 46 p for the one unit that I am generating because the smart meter records everything generated not just that which goes to the grid (all per hour of course) whereas the mains consumption meter only shows nett usage of power.

Now considering getting a day storage heater for the winter so that it stores by day and heats the lounge in the evening

Anyway that's the way I understand it and it makes sense - well to me it does!


In addition to the £928 earned in four months our electricity monthly dd has gone down from £50 a month to £15 a month - but it will take me untill the other side of the winter to determine just how much actual 'profit' and savings are there to be made over the course of a full year - and the next 6 months will of course produce considerably less than the last 6 months.

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chris - 2011-10-29 7:18 PM


If that leek is right there will be uproar!

is this a deliberate false leek?



I like leeks but I've never tried a deliberate false leek - is that boiled, fried or microwaved?

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Taken from Energy Saving Trust website.



28 October 2011



In response to speculation on our position on the government’s review of Feed-in Tariffs, an Energy Saving Trust spokesperson said:


“We’ve been working on a draft consumer guidance document in relation to the Fast Track Review of Feed in Tariffs for Solar PV to pre-empt the Government consultation which is expected next week. Preparing advice on a potential announcement was the responsible thing to do as the leading consumer advice body in this area. Unfortunately, due to a technical error this document was made available for search.


“This is a work in progress document which is no longer on our web site and cannot be relied upon as the Government consultation has yet to be announced. Then and only then will we know the precise contents. We cannot confirm anything within our fact sheet until then.”




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Luckily I have'nt paid the deposit. Installation was due January !! Looks as though even the installations already installed are going to drop by 50% making the pay off time 15 years !! Spend it on a van change instead !!




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josie gibblebucket - 2011-10-29 6:43 PM


Hi Bas, no not a Newmarket company.

RE the cost, surely most of the cost is taken up with scaffolding, wages, etc .One or two more or one or two less panels may not actually make that much difference to the overall price? Like if you build an extension, most of the cost is in the footings, not how many storeys high you go?



Sorry just spotted your reply, with the latest news it is all a bit irellevent now, however my reply would have been, I take your point but it will take somewhat longer to repay your outlay so I would have thought that a larger output system for not a great deal greater purchase price would have been a better bet.

Also our neighbour has had a 2.9kw system installed and it was considerably cheaper i.e. £7800 so not sure where the savings are, potentially a cheaper invertor I suppose in addition to the panels. But yes I hear what you are saying and accept your point.


So it seems that they are going to renage on the deal that was offered as a lot of posters on here warned they could, I was happy with our system, now I am just dismayed. Seems we have a load of lying B*st**ds in charge of the country, whats new?



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