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MMM reader survey

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As promised in earlier posts, here is the link to the MMM reader survey, which went live yesterday. Judging by the early responses many of you have already found it. But for those who haven't:




Please, if you have a few minutes, fill it in.


Thousands of paper copies have also been distributed inside this month's MMM (April) and those of you who subscribe to your e-shot newsletter will also receive a link to the online version.


If you don't already subscribe to this free motorhomers' newsletter you can do so here:




I hope this gives anyone who wants to fill it in ample opportunity to do so.

Any problems let me know, otherwise, I look forward to reading your responses and creating a strategy based on the majority of them.




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Hello Daniel,


I had already sent an email to your marketing colleague before I found your thread. I was happy to fill in the survey for the benefit of MMM but as I said to your colleague I was disappointed to find that at the end there was no option to decline sharing my details with other parties, nor was there an option to decline direct marketing of any sort. (I detest direct marketing with a vengeance.)





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The aim of the survey is for us to get information on our readers so we can set the editorial strategy.


Therefore, we do want to know where you live in the country. However, we ask for a name and street address only so we can send the winners of the competition their prizes.


We will not send any unrequested mail to postal addresses. Your details will also not be shared with any other company.


If you don't want to enter the competition and/or do not want to provide us with your full address then just put your town in the address box and no more. It does explain this on the opening page of the survey also.


We will send those who provide us with an email address a welcome email, but this will have an opt out box for those who do not want any more emails from us.


Hope that clears it up.







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Sorry Daniel I threw the towel in after page 3. The emphasis appeared to be on how much we've got and how we're spending it. I doubt if I'm alone when I say I subscribe to MMM for the benefits it offers me as a MH user and how it might promote my interests in a market place where manufacturers and dealers are too often letting their customers down.


If this is covered later then I'm sorry but I think you'd be wise to give these things top billing.



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Guest Tracker

If we don't tell Daniel what we like and dislike then we will have no grounds to grumble when the magazine dissapoints so give the man a chance folks please!


Does anyone subscribe to the online newsletter and does it contain anything of use or anything that is not in MMM - but maybe should be - or is it just another advertising medium?

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This is not a readership survey. It's an attempt to gain marketing details that can be used to bombard us with yet more dross from a) insurance companies b) motorhome dealers c) anything to do with anything we've listed as being interested in.


Sorry, but an almost complete waste of time apart from two small boxes asking what we think about MMM.

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Well I've just done it and it isn't just a marketing survey, although there are some basic questions, these do not dominate it at all (although I nearly ticked the wrong 'age' group .... :$


It was useful to be able to give my view and comments and hopefully they'll be taken on board.


If you want to just be negative about it that's up to you, but this is your chance to aire your views, so if you don't bother then don't complain if nothing gets changed the way you want it to. :-S

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Guest pelmetman
Tracker - 2011-03-09 5:56 PM


Yeah - I thought so too which is why I supplied no traceable details!


I filled it in completely :-D ...................but I used your details Rich (lol) (lol)

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Guest Tracker
pelmetman - 2011-03-09 6:10 PM


I filled it in completely :-D ...................but I used your details Rich (lol) (lol)


Thanks Dave - I'll let you know when my prize polishing kit arrives and you can come and wash and polish the van for me as my reward for your selfless act of kindness!

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I've done it, it's no big deal.


A good opportunity to let off steam about certain articles and writers too. When ever I've made comment on here, some of their fellow contributors have lynched me for making my views known.


Particularly the site reviews. Boy does that need some new faces, indeed I've noticed some so maybe someone listened to me.



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A good opportunity to let off steam about certain articles and writers too. Particularly the site reviews.




So that is at least two of us that made those observations. The changes can't come too soon for me.


With apologies for cutting your post, Martyn.







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Guest 1footinthegrave

Sorry Daniel, got down to about question 9 to see this appears self evidently despite assurances, just the usual way of harvesting and then potentially ending up delivering a load of junk mail via email or post from third parties.


I once made the mistake of filling in a "survey" for Saga, I have ever since been deluged with junk mail from them, despite telling them to stop sending it. And don't get me started about my lucky numbers from Readers Digest.


There may well have been questions further down the list that may have had some bearing on editorial content, but the first few were enough to put me off going any further with it, sorry, Just my view. *-)

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Just done it and didn't fill any address in, just town, for email address put N/A and it accepted it. I didn't fill in the question about income, left it blank, and it was accepted like that.


There was another question which I considered too private, so put Confidential Info (can't remember the question now).



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Guest pelmetman
Is it me (?) or has the quality of the paper used been reduced, it seems thinner and the pictures are not as sharp :-S
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Each to his/her own I suppose. I didn't see any problems with any of the questions, most gave you a range not a specific e.g. age, income so not exactly personally directed. Perhaps there is just more 'paranoia' out there than I had imagined and if they were out to get you, not filling in a generic questionnaire doesn't mean they won't or can't get you anyway 8-) ;-) :D
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Guest 1footinthegrave
Still think it is a reasonable read, but for the life of me cannot see the point of the survey. One question would have done for me, are you on balance happy with the MMM magazine, yes /no, if not can you make any suggestions for improvement. It's not really a case of paranoia, but they must know what their readership is for the most part, it's surely people that have an interest in Motor-homes, be that a classic camper, a self build, or a £175.000 bit of kit. And I think on balance they do a good job already :-D
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Big Momma - 2011-03-12 12:45 PM


Each to his/her own I suppose. I didn't see any problems with any of the questions, most gave you a range not a specific e.g. age, income so not exactly personally directed. Perhaps there is just more 'paranoia' out there than I had imagined and if they were out to get you, not filling in a generic questionnaire doesn't mean they won't or can't get you anyway 8-) ;-) :D



Looking at the paper copy which arrived with the magazine, I too " didn't see any problems " with any of the questions.

But, I also couldn't see any connection between some of the questions and the stated aim of the survey.


ONE example.


The aim of the survey ( it says ) is:


"MMM is interested to discover what you really think about the magazine and its website"


That's clear enough.


Then, question 53 : Have you got a dog ?


If they had said " Does your dog read the magazine " I could have understood that there was a link, but otherwise, I am baffled.




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