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Pensions cut = strikes


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Guest Tracker

As long as those on strike don't get paid when they are on strike it is a good way as any to help reduce the deficit!


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Guest pelmetman

I dont see why they should strike, as I understand it the new rules will only effect new entrants 8-)


Not that unions are well known for common sense (lol)

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pelmetman - 2011-03-10 6:32 PM


I dont see why they should strike, as I understand it the new rules will only effect new entrants 8-)



No, it effects all, the only difference is that pension payments made up to the date of the new system are 'protected' (Whatever that means).

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Please note that as of now there are no 'new rules' There has merely been a Report making suggestions/recommendations. These have to be passed into law and will no doubt be watered down.


However, the bottom line is that there is not enough cash to pay all the bills so something somewhere has to give. Either taxes rise for all, or benefits are cut. It may be that those about to retire demand all their 'entitlements' in which case the next lot of retirees will have much less. I also doubt many will happily pay more Council Tax to fill the gap.


I also suspect that strikes will not get a lot of sympathy and may be counter productive to actually solving the problem. I know up here there are thousands of newly qualified unemployed teachers and probably nurses as well, all looking for work, so maybe those in the jobs should think carefully. The bin men here have been working to 'rule' for over a year and private Companies are already doing a lot of their work, so the decision to privatise the lot is already underway. Going on strike will merely confirm that plan.


I always felt the last thing to do in a recession was to make yourself noticeable, especially as a potential 'rebel'. Always be inconspicous and never make waves and hopefully, you are left alone.

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robkilby - 2011-03-10 8:21 PM


Tracker - 2011-03-10 6:29 PM


As long as those on strike don't get paid when they are on strike it is a good way as any to help reduce the deficit!


Sleep easy...we don't get paid if /when we go on strike


And how is this for effective demonstration. The big march by many Public Sector workers is going to happen on Saturday 26th March (Can't believe that they won't pay me overtime :D )

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Dave225 - 2011-03-10 8:29 PM


Please note that as of now there are no 'new rules' There has merely been a Report making suggestions/recommendations. These have to be passed into law and will no doubt be watered down.


It may only just have made the News as the Hutton Report has been made public. I had the 'proposals' that were being put forward about the Public Sector well before Christmas. There is nothing any different in the published version than there were in those original documents. As for the 'suggestions/recommendations' they are a little more than that. I think you will discover that the major decisions have already been taken, before the 'public' release of the Hutton report, the timing for the release was an issue for the Government, earlier release would have been too much, too soon amongst all the other cuts that were being announced. So, the Government have had time to think about how and when they are going to do it, we will see a lot happening over the next 'couple' of weeks just keep watching the NEWS 8-)

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Those thinking of going on strike should look at what has happened in some other countries where the governments have run out of money and can't borrow any more with the result that they are unable to pay public sector and even the armed forces salaries never mind pensions. Don't think it could never happen here no country can go on borrowing money indefinitely.


My neighbours sometime ago who are both in the police were telling me how early they could retire and on what a good pension. At the time they did not believe me when I told them it would never happen because there would simply not be the money available. They are feeling a bit sheepish now but I must say are taking it very well now that they realise it just has to be.


Anyone who allows a union to talk them into going on strike is just plain barmy. There is no money it's that simple. Unlike the previous government no matter how long a strike is the government simply can't give in so the only one out of pocket will be the strikers.


Personally I'm not expecting a wave of serious strikes. Public sector workers are not that daft and even the unions no matter what they say know that what is happening is inevitable and can't be stopped.

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Big Momma - 2011-03-10 8:09 PM


pelmetman - 2011-03-10 6:32 PM


I dont see why they should strike, as I understand it the new rules will only effect new entrants 8-)



No, it effects all, the only difference is that pension payments made up to the date of the new system are 'protected' (Whatever that means).







Worry ye not.


It means that all your years of service/pensionable salary combination that currently goes to make up the gold plated non-funded Public Sector pension up until the date of change won't be affected by later pensionable pay and service from that date onwards becoming a tiny bit more like the pension accrual that everyone out in the real world have to live with.


Don't worry, Public Sector people.

You still won't have to fund anything remotely close to the real cost of providing your Public Sector pension.

Everyone in the Private Sector will continue to have to do that for them, through being taxed....in fact they will continue to have to fund Public Service pensions through force of law via taxation, regardless as to whether they then have any money left to put into any form of lesser scheme for themselves.



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To those council workers who feel that they are fully funding their own pensions should possibly have a look at this article. It applies to Scotland but I am sure the figures for the rest of the Uk are equally as bad.,




Maybe they will feel that strikes are the way forward, however, I suspect the majority of tax payers will not see it quite like that. As more and more scrutiny is made, more and more stones will be lifted and the full scale of the subsidy will become revealed. As what Hutton has proposed still gives the public sector a better deal thsn the private sector, apart from bankers and politicians of course, possibly they shoudl think calmly about what they actually have, or unfortunately there will be more tears.

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Guest pelmetman
Trouble is it's taken years for the Public sector to wake up to the fact that they have been living beyond there means, apart from the ones at the top who saw it coming and cream'd off us much as they could before taking the golden goodbye >:-(
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Colin Leake - 2011-03-11 5:16 PM


Those thinking of going on strike should look at what has happened in some other countries where the governments have run out of money and can't borrow any more with the result that they are unable to pay public sector and even the armed forces salaries never mind pensions. Don't think it could never happen here no country can go on borrowing money indefinitely.


My neighbours sometime ago who are both in the police were telling me how early they could retire and on what a good pension. At the time they did not believe me when I told them it would never happen because there would simply not be the money available. They are feeling a bit sheepish now but I must say are taking it very well now that they realise it just has to be.


Anyone who allows a union to talk them into going on strike is just plain barmy. There is no money it's that simple. Unlike the previous government no matter how long a strike is the government simply can't give in so the only one out of pocket will be the strikers.


Personally I'm not expecting a wave of serious strikes. Public sector workers are not that daft and even the unions no matter what they say know that what is happening is inevitable and can't be stopped.




On what are you basing your statement " unlike the previous government.........." ?

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malc d - 2011-03-11 8:33 PM


I would be surprised if there are any serious strikes.

They will be encouraged by plenty of bluster from well paid union bosses of course, because that is their job. :-|


I am in the PCS Union, there has been NO mention of strikes only a 'March' in London on 26th of this month. Not just by members of PCS Union I hasten to add but all Unions that represent 'Public Sector' workers. Hope the weathers nice, don't get to London too often :D

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Big Momma - 2011-03-11 8:56 PM


malc d - 2011-03-11 8:33 PM


I would be surprised if there are any serious strikes.

They will be encouraged by plenty of bluster from well paid union bosses of course, because that is their job. :-|


I am in the PCS Union, there has been NO mention of strikes only a 'March' in London on 26th of this month. Not just by members of PCS Union I hasten to add but all Unions that represent 'Public Sector' workers. Hope the weathers nice, don't get to London too often :D


Cheers Big Moma

I am PCS too ( staff rep)

Good luck to you


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Guest pelmetman
Big Momma - 2011-03-11 8:56 PM


I am in the PCS Union, there has been NO mention of strikes only a 'March' in London on 26th of this month. Not just by members of PCS Union I hasten to add but all Unions that represent 'Public Sector' workers. Hope the weathers nice, don't get to London too often :D


Rather than a communal bumping of gums! would it not be more beneficial if you spent your time finding a sensible answer to the problems of the Public sector?................I base my suggestion on the fact we have seen umpteen public sector strikes *-) ...........but have you ever seen a private sector strike 8-) .............Just a thought ;-)

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Guest pelmetman

Yeah your right Peter :$


When I re read my post it did look like I was expecting BM to solve the Public sectors problems :-S


Sorry BM brain not fully engaged as usual :D

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robkilby - 2011-03-11 9:24 PM


Big Momma - 2011-03-11 8:56 PM


malc d - 2011-03-11 8:33 PM


I would be surprised if there are any serious strikes.

They will be encouraged by plenty of bluster from well paid union bosses of course, because that is their job. :-|


I am in the PCS Union, there has been NO mention of strikes only a 'March' in London on 26th of this month. Not just by members of PCS Union I hasten to add but all Unions that represent 'Public Sector' workers. Hope the weathers nice, don't get to London too often :D


Cheers Big Moma

I am PCS too ( staff rep)

Good luck to you








Just a thought Rob: as a PCS union rep, what's your/your unions suggested actual solution to this demographic/funding Public Sector Pensions problem?



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Having been an industrial striker in the past, at the time it was considered for a good reason, I have since decided that stikes do almost nothing except to cost the striker more grief with lost money that is never regained.


The only way to achieve a solution is for every one at the point of aggravation to leave and take there skills elsewhere. There is nothing gained in flag waving marches and single day stoppages except to unbalance the work place and achieve very little.



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BGD - 2011-03-12 12:05 AM


robkilby - 2011-03-11 9:24 PM


Big Momma - 2011-03-11 8:56 PM


malc d - 2011-03-11 8:33 PM


I would be surprised if there are any serious strikes.

They will be encouraged by plenty of bluster from well paid union bosses of course, because that is their job. :-|


I am in the PCS Union, there has been NO mention of strikes only a 'March' in London on 26th of this month. Not just by members of PCS Union I hasten to add but all Unions that represent 'Public Sector' workers. Hope the weathers nice, don't get to London too often :D


Cheers Big Moma

I am PCS too ( staff rep)

Good luck to you








Just a thought Rob: as a PCS union rep, what's your/your unions suggested actual solution to this demographic/funding Public Sector Pensions problem?



You probably wouldn't find this in the Daily Mail but the internet is not as biased.




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Sorry T8 but some of the stuff written in the link is just plain barmy


"The answer to the crisis is therefore to create jobs not cut them."


It is the last governments idiocy in creating "non-jobs" in the Public sector that has exacerbated the problem.


"Public spending is an investment, not a debt. Public servants – the vast majority of whom are low paid – deliver vital services to our communities. The campaign of vilification against public services is motivated by a desire to cut and privatise these vital services. The reality is that there does not need to be a single penny taken away from any public service, or a single job lost."


Public spending is a COST and when you pay for something you want VALUE FOR MONEY. There is huge waste in the Public Sector.


And if you think the Public Sector has a monopoly on low pay then you are VERY much mistaken.


And your union thinks that:-


"The reality is that there does not need to be a single penny taken away from any public service, or a single job lost."






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Guest pelmetman
T8LEY - 2011-03-12 12:36 AM


You probably wouldn't find this in the Daily Mail but the internet is not as biased.




"Employing more staff at HM Revenue & Customs would enable more tax to be collected, more investigations to take place and evasion reduced. Compliance officers in HMRC bring in over £658,000 in revenue per employee."


Taken from your PCS website 8-) 8-)


Based on experience!! I can confirm your IR tax collector doesn't care if your guilty or innocent and will fleece you!

Unless you have a record of every finnacial transaction business or private for the past 20 years 8-) Yes they can go back that far if they want >:-(

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