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France Passion 2011


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Hi, I have just received my 2011 version of France Passion list and am busy crosschecking against my satnag files.


There are quite a number of new entries, so the satnag details need to be updated. there are also quite a few deletions from the list, so again it involves editing my file to remove those no longer taking part.


FP themselves say that they dont publish satnag info in order to prevent abuse of the system. It would seem that there are those who dont even buy the book annually but use an old book , but it is a pity as it causes some of the farms etc to be abused, so dropout of the scheme.


One problem I have noticed is that on occasions, the list quotes a place name, then the directions say "dont go to" and then give directions around the houses. Very confusing when trying to plot the location.!


The list costs 29E direct, not exactly a fortune. Have you bought yours for 2011.?.

My list is in CSV format for processing, then converted to KML for the MIO satnag device or to a Garmin compatible file for the Quest.





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