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A frames

apache graham

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1footinthegrave - 2011-03-13 4:58 PM

Someone posts a question, hoping to receive an informed bit of advice, hopefully from someone with first hand experience, then before you know it someone picks up on some perceived slight, or other issue,then what was a useful thread for the original poster all goes belly up.QUOTE]


Boy, do I agree with this, nicely put. Apologies to the OP for thread hijack though.



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After all the arguments about copyright Crap, and then the apologies, I forget what we were supposed to be talking about ?

Oh ! I remember something really important that is likely to affect hundreds Of motorhomers who tow 'TOAD cars' behind their vans on 'A-Frames'. (not more important than a trivial row then, of course).

Important to me because' I don't' (at the moment) but am thinking about it.

One point in the 'Statement' spoke about the 'TOTAL' weight , including A-frame and 'TOAD' NOT exceeding 3500kg. ?? This is incorrect surely, My vehicle has a Total Gross Train Weight of (i believe) 5820 kg. and that is Legal. So why should an A-Frame (or trailer) reduce that ?

I won't be spending any money on either until 'Legality' is sorted out.

OR better still we leave the EU and tell them to stuff their 'petty' and unneccessarily 'intricate' laws which just confuse everybody, and do little to advance 'Safety'. *-) Ray

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I have used this forum once with a question and received an excellent answer only to have the thread hijacked with alot of "dross" that bears no relation what so ever with the original question. My thanks to those gentlemen who stuck to the thread

apache graham.

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Guest peter
Rayjsj - 2011-03-14 12:16 PM


After all the arguments about copyright Crap, and then the apologies, I forget what we were supposed to be talking about ?

Oh ! I remember something really important that is likely to affect hundreds Of motorhomers who tow 'TOAD cars' behind their vans on 'A-Frames'. (not more important than a trivial row then, of course).

Important to me because' I don't' (at the moment) but am thinking about it.

One point in the 'Statement' spoke about the 'TOTAL' weight , including A-frame and 'TOAD' NOT exceeding 3500kg. ?? This is incorrect surely, My vehicle has a Total Gross Train Weight of (i believe) 5820 kg. and that is Legal. So why should an A-Frame (or trailer) reduce that ?

I won't be spending any money on either until 'Legality' is sorted out.

OR better still we leave the EU and tell them to stuff their 'petty' and unneccessarily 'intricate' laws which just confuse everybody, and do little to advance 'Safety'. *-) Ray

What was meant, if I'm correct, is this. The combined weight of your van and the car + A frame must not exceed the Gross train weight for the van. In any event you will have to use a Braked A frame, with either mechanical or Electronic braking system. But your van must not exceed it's plated weight to start with. So if your van is plated at 3500 Kgs and Gross train weight is 5820 then the combined weight of car and A frame should not exceed 2320 Kgs, which means you can tow a quite heavy car/boat or whatever.
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No, the material said


Inertia systems can only be used for trailers with a maximum combined axle mass of 3500kg.


...so it's simply saying that the toad has to be less than 3500kg...the MH can be whatever you like, so long as within max train weight & your license. Unless you're planning to pull another motorhome I wouldn't worry about that aspect.


Incidentally, 2014 is the due date for enactment at an EU level - national administrations have 18 months to transpose into national law, and in my experience they always take that. So the "real" time to be worried is probably late 2015/early 2016.


Given the legislation would outlaw usage of inertia/over-run systems rather than A-frames, simple solution would be to buy a Brakebuddy at the time. We've got 5 years to save up...

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Thanks for the correction, I must be developing 'late onset dyslexia'. ???

or something ?

The vehicle i would be 'toading' would be a Toyota Yaris, which would be fine on an A-Frame, but a large enough trailer would be a 'nuisance' onsite, and getting close to being too heavy. MMMM ! and then there' the cost of course. Ray

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