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Plastic siink in washroom - cracked


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I have an Autocruise Starfire, about 10 years old, which has cracks in the plastic sink in the washroom. I am thinking of trying to fix it with fibre glass resin and matting from underneath, as an alternative to trying to source a new one! Any ideas? (?)
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Hi Richard & welcome to the forum.


O'Leary's (near Beverley) are advertising they have a selection of the Autocruise (pre-Swift purchase) parts.

Although I could not find a result for "Autocruise Sink" in their search.

It would be worth an e-mail / phone call.




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RichardB27 - 2011-03-17 9:29 PM


...I am thinking of trying to fix it with fibre glass resin and matting from underneath, as an alternative to trying to source a new one...


Sounds like a reasonable plan if you can get the resin to adhere satisfactorily to the underside of your cracked sink. Can't see why it shouldn't work as long as you know what you are doing.

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Should work but do make sure you get the correct type of resin for the tape you are using, e.g polyester tape requires a different resin to glass tape any yacht chandler should make sure you have the right combination.

If it is a white sink I would use Gel Coat Filler instead of resin again available from Yacht chandlers.


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