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Libya has kicked off then?

Guest pelmetman

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Hi. I find this, 0h it's oil again comment a bit strange. The other day an oil expert, on the radio, said, that Americans had more oil reserves under their own land, than they will ever need for the foreseeable future, they are sitting on it untill they need it. 8-)

Brian B

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Guest JudgeMental
thebishbus - 2011-03-20 8:38 AM


Hi. I find this, 0h it's oil again comment a bit strange. The other day an oil expert, on the radio, said, that Americans had more oil reserves under their own land, than they will ever need for the foreseeable future, they are sitting on it untill they need it. 8-)

Brian B


Yes that is true they capped them of years ago and plunder the world for the rest *-)

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JudgeMental - 2011-03-20 10:15 AM


thebishbus - 2011-03-20 8:38 AM


Hi. I find this, 0h it's oil again comment a bit strange. The other day an oil expert, on the radio, said, that Americans had more oil reserves under their own land, than they will ever need for the foreseeable future, they are sitting on it untill they need it. 8-)

Brian B


Yes that is true they capped them of years ago and plunder the world for the rest *-)



America has oodles of raw materials and has no need of plundering the rest of the world.

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Loss of life and all the other associated costs of unrest/war excepted, I'm not complaining about it.


It's yet another good opportunity to go into the market and exploit the volatility the markets show without fail on these occasions.


The markets hate uncertainty but investors like me love the yo yo effect, bring it on Gaddafi, bring it on.



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Guest JudgeMental
knight of the road - 2011-03-20 10:23 AM


JudgeMental - 2011-03-20 10:15 AM


thebishbus - 2011-03-20 8:38 AM


Hi. I find this, 0h it's oil again comment a bit strange. The other day an oil expert, on the radio, said, that Americans had more oil reserves under their own land, than they will ever need for the foreseeable future, they are sitting on it untill they need it. 8-)

Brian B


Yes that is true they capped them of years ago and plunder the world for the rest *-)



America has oodles of raw materials and has no need of plundering the rest of the world.


So what are they doing in the middle east??

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LordThornber - 2011-03-20 10:28 AM


Loss of life and all the other associated costs of unrest/war excepted, I'm not complaining about it.


It's yet another good opportunity to go into the market and exploit the volatility the markets show without fail on these occasions.


The markets hate uncertainty but investors like me love the yo yo effect, bring it on Gaddafi, bring it on.





Sorry but I dont like your way of thinking it just proves to me that money men and investers are only interested in the bottom line and have no scruples or concience and dont give a toss for the pain and suffering to the people directly concerned, you have gone down in my esteem.

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JudgeMental - 2011-03-20 11:07 AM


knight of the road - 2011-03-20 10:23 AM


JudgeMental - 2011-03-20 10:15 AM


thebishbus - 2011-03-20 8:38 AM


Hi. I find this, 0h it's oil again comment a bit strange. The other day an oil expert, on the radio, said, that Americans had more oil reserves under their own land, than they will ever need for the foreseeable future, they are sitting on it untill they need it. 8-)

Brian B


Yes that is true they capped them of years ago and plunder the world for the rest *-)



America has oodles of raw materials and has no need of plundering the rest of the world.


So what are they doing in the middle east??


Dont ask me, ask them, could it be greed?

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knight of the road - 2011-03-20 10:21 AM


How can Britain fight a war in Libya when the government are scrapping our armed forces? Do they propose to send in our boy scouts and girl guides?



No Malc.


They're looking for people who 'shoot from the hip' -' kill or be killed' and 'take no prisoners'


Do you know anyone like that ?



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knight of the road - 2011-03-20 11:11 AM

Sorry but I dont like your way of thinking it just proves to me that money men and investers are only interested in the bottom line and have no scruples or concience and dont give a toss for the pain and suffering to the people directly concerned, you have gone down in my esteem.


As you wish Malc. I'm a Capitalist, not a Socialist. I much prefer to earn my keep using my head rather than my hands.


As I said though...


Loss of life and all the other associated costs of unrest/war excepted.





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Guest pelmetman
LordThornber - 2011-03-20 12:26 PM


As you wish Malc. I'm a Capitalist, not a Socialist. I much prefer to earn my keep using my head rather than my hands.


As I said though...


Loss of life and all the other associated costs of unrest/war excepted.





I thought you were a socialist worker Martyn :D

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What right do we have to go in and bomb Libya ?


As every Current and former serviceman and woman will know, you sign the Oath to allegiance to the Monarch of this country and to defend our Realm. This is in no way in the defence of the Realm.


Okay, so we are part of NATO, that means we are signed up to join up with other NATO forces to protect any other NATO member under attack from an enemy. Libya has not attacked any other NATO member.


The humanitarian case ? We do not get involved with other 'Civil Wars or Uprisings' in the World, Russia, Somalia, Tunisia, Eygpt. Only it appears those that the Government select.


Economic - Oil assets, very likely. But it is not our Oil.


How can we justify in these hard economic times in Britain another costly military campaign. the Government has stated that they cannot afford to maintain the MOD, not just back room staff and civil servants but Troops and Equipment.


The Government have got this one very, very wrong in my opinion.





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malc d - 2011-03-20 12:23 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-20 10:21 AM


How can Britain fight a war in Libya when the government are scrapping our armed forces? Do they propose to send in our boy scouts and girl guides?



No Malc.


They're looking for people who 'shoot from the hip' -' kill or be killed' and 'take no prisoners'


Do you know anyone like that ?



It could be said that I shoot from the hip and take no prisoners, but then again I am not an invester, I earn my crust from my own physical labour.

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LordThornber - 2011-03-20 12:26 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-20 11:11 AM

Sorry but I dont like your way of thinking it just proves to me that money men and investers are only interested in the bottom line and have no scruples or concience and dont give a toss for the pain and suffering to the people directly concerned, you have gone down in my esteem.


As you wish Malc. I'm a Capitalist, not a Socialist. I much prefer to earn my keep using my head rather than my hands.


As I said though...


Loss of life and all the other associated costs of unrest/war excepted.





But it is an inescapeable fact that someone gets hurt in order for your investments to pay off.

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knight of the road - 2011-03-20 1:48 PM


malc d - 2011-03-20 12:23 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-20 10:21 AM


How can Britain fight a war in Libya when the government are scrapping our armed forces? Do they propose to send in our boy scouts and girl guides?



No Malc.


They're looking for people who 'shoot from the hip' -' kill or be killed' and 'take no prisoners'


Do you know anyone like that ?



It could be said that I shoot from the hip and take no prisoners, but then again I am not an invester, I earn my crust from my own physical labour.



They're not looking for investers.


Warriors are required.


I just thought that as you often tell us that you 'shoot from the hip' 'take no prisoners ' etc, ( whatever that means) you might like to go instead of sending the boy scouts and girl guides.




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Should of bombed Gaddafi when he was supplying the scummy IRA with weapons to murder our lads in Northern Ireland and innocent Brits and maybe sent a crack SAS team in to slit his throat after his terrorists blew up the Lockerbie Plane and what about Yvonne Fletcher ? , but no what do we , Gordon bleedin Brown releases a poor cancer stricken scumbag to see out his last few days at home and he's still walking the earth now .
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antony1969 - 2011-03-20 2:32 PM


Should of bombed Gaddafi when he was supplying the scummy IRA with weapons to murder our lads in Northern Ireland and innocent Brits and maybe sent a crack SAS team in to slit his throat after his terrorists blew up the Lockerbie Plane and what about Yvonne Fletcher ? , but no what do we , Gordon bleedin Brown releases a poor cancer stricken scumbag to see out his last few days at home and he's still walking the earth now .


And we should have taken the action at the appropriate time when it would have been seen to be justifiable. Cannot use those historical events as some sort of excuse to go in now.

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Guest pelmetman
Big Momma - 2011-03-20 2:37 PM


And we should have taken the action at the appropriate time when it would have been seen to be justifiable. Cannot use those historical events as some sort of excuse to go in now.


Perhaps we should of done. I wont shed any tears if the murdering bar steward gets killed.


As for our involvement I expect it will be quite limited due to lack of assets available for deployment :D


Which in some ways will be a good thing as it means our European allies will pick up most of the tab!


First time I've seen a Sub being used since the Falklands though :D

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With respect Malc, the unrest comes first, the volatile trading conditions come second.


Not the other way around.


I, (and thousands of others) are merely taking advantage of the situation.

History has taught me to take full financial advantage of these monumental events.


9/11, 7/7, The Credit Crunch (the best of the lot), Tunisia, Bahrain, Japan, Libya to name just a few.


There'll be plenty of folk on here who had the wisdom to throw money, (at their own risk I might add), when the markets were swinging wildly. I'm just honest enough to admit to it.


For those who think it distasteful to profit or gain out of such events, that's fine, I respect your view - but don't share it.


I pay my Capital Gains Tax just like the next person, there's no cash in hand stuff of course, GB PLC benefits from my amateur dealings too.



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