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Well it looks like the baby boomers have been dealt another blow in the budget,with anyone reaching state pension age before 2015 stuck on the lower rate and those retiring from april 2015 getting £140.00.I suppose they will also close the loophole of anyone trying to defer their retirement date. So our dream of buying a new motorhome in the future is in real trouble. well theres always the lottery.
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shirles - 2011-03-23 4:03 PM


Well it looks like the baby boomers have been dealt another blow in the budget,with anyone reaching state pension age before 2015 stuck on the lower rate and those retiring from april 2015 getting £140.00.I suppose they will also close the loophole of anyone trying to defer their retirement date. So our dream of buying a new motorhome in the future is in real trouble. well theres always the lottery.


Not all bad though because the new rate is a 'rolled up' rate including any other state pensions paid into e.g. SERP's, therefore the increase is not as great as it may at first appear. Under certain 'private' or company pension schemes having a 'rolled up' rate is a positive disadvantage.

So as with most, not all things are good or bad for all people.



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Guest 1footinthegrave
It's not all bad news, just put aside the 1p fuel duty levy he has cancelled towards that new van, now let me get my calculator out. mmmmmmm 8-)
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shirles - 2011-03-23 4:03 PM


Well it looks like the baby boomers have been dealt another blow in the budget,with anyone reaching state pension age before 2015 stuck on the lower rate and those retiring from april 2015 getting £140.00.I suppose they will also close the loophole of anyone trying to defer their retirement date. So our dream of buying a new motorhome in the future is in real trouble. well theres always the lottery.


There are many ways of committing political suicide, this is just one of them.

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Think you are jumping the gun worrying about who and when anyone will get £140 per week could be years away and they have`nt even decided whether this £140 will be tied to inflation or not.

There is only one certainty about pensions you will never get what you think you are going to get.

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