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Murdered Girl


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Having just seen the news my heart bleeds for parents , friends etc of the poor young girl who looks like she may have been murdered by a bogus taxi driver . As a parent I still preach on the taxi home routine , infact many many times I have been the late night taxi . I hope the filth that carried this out gets maybe just a little bit of a rough ride in prison from his fellow inmates .
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antony1969 - 2011-03-24 6:56 PM


Having just seen the news my heart bleeds for parents , friends etc of the poor young girl who looks like she may have been murdered by a bogus taxi driver . As a parent I still preach on the taxi home routine , infact many many times I have been the late night taxi . I hope the filth that carried this out gets maybe just a little bit of a rough ride in prison from his fellow inmates .


Not a bogus taxi driver, he was a taxi driver !! He even had two of the 'MISSING' posters in the rear window of his cab. If you also noted, they found '2' bodies and 'He' told the Police were to find them after he was arrested. He was arrested at my local ASDA store, not sure I want that as a claim to fame, I will wait for a better one to come along *-)

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As a father of an 18yr old who has recently found the attractions of clubbing with her college pals and stays out till daft o'clock. (what can you do) I worry constantly and warn her time and time again about street safety incl taxis bogus or otherwise. Nothing more worrying than having a daughter out of site.

That poor poor girl and the poor poor family to have to go through a parents worst nightmare. If I was in any way religeous I would say a prayer for them all.

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Guest Peter James
There are very many murders that don't make the national news. Apparently the ones that do are the most photogenic victims, young women or children. This exaggerates the risk out of all proportion. In fact the group statistically most at risk are young men!
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Agreed - one of my clients is a retired Prison Officer (ex Navy prior to that) and his take on the prison population is that they are expert at bending/breaking the system, claiming benefits and producing children.


Presumably the latter is when they are not "inside".


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spospe - 2011-03-25 11:25 AM


We all die eventually, better to lock the guilty up and make them have a long miserable life.


No problem with that - apart from the fact that it seems that prisoners seem to have a cushy life with better food and more money per inmate spent on them than we spend on NHS patients or the elderly in care.


Seems to me the elderly have a miserable life whilst a lot of prisoners in the likes of Ford Open prison for example were treating the place like a holiday camp.


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Guest Peter James
pelmetman - 2011-03-25 11:33 AM


Bring back hanging >:-(


I wouldn't disagree with the assertion that some prisoners would be better off dead. Neither would they. But the means to kill themselves is taken away from them. Although some are so determined they succeed in ending their lives in truly horrible ways.


Its harder to decide whether the criminal justice system is competent to dish out death sentences fairly. I think thats what most people have a problem with.


In my experience, those who know the least about the Criminal Justice System are the ones with the most confidence in it.

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Guest Peter James
CliveH - 2011-03-25 11:47 AM


No problem with that - apart from the fact that it seems that prisoners seem to have a cushy life with better food and more money per inmate spent on them than we spend on NHS patients or the elderly in care.


Last time I saw the figures the daily spend on food per inmate was about £1.50

Most of the money goes on obsessive security to avoid the political embarrassment of a possible prison escape.


Bit like people quote the enormous amounts paid out in benefits. Ignoring the fact that most of it does not go to the benefit claimant. It goes to a private Landlord to pay for the cheapest accommodation available.

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Peter James - 2011-03-25 12:14 PM


. Ignoring the fact that most of it does not go to the benefit claimant. It goes to a private Landlord to pay for the cheapest accommodation available.


Totally untrue, housing benefit is paid direct to the claimant unless they are in social housing, private landlords have to rely on the tenant paying up, and can only approach the council/dss after the rent is 8 weeks in arrears.

Even then they have to attempt to get the arrears from the tenant, as the council/dss have already paid the money.

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We are often told that prison doesn't work, because the same people go back time and time again.


What I never hear anyone ask is :

Why is it that they don't mind going back ?


Presumably they quite like it. If so - why ?


(Maybe their standard of living goes up too far).



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antony1969 - 2011-03-24 8:31 PM


I apologize then , real taxi driver it is . One thing does not change though and that is he is every lowlife descriptive word I could ever think of and more .


Antony, was not being critical of you. There was a big publicity campaign not so long ago about 'bogus' taxi drivers waiting outside popular places solely for the purpose of picking up lone females (of all ages) and then abusing them. The advice was to ensure that you did not get in to a taxi unless it was displaying the official licence Plate and the driver had an official licence with a photo. Two points really,


Even if people follow this advice, this incident shows that it doesn't actually help as this was a 'real' taxi driver with all the official bits.


Secondly, with modern technology these days it is quite easy to make bogus passess etc and would you know what it was you were looking for to prove credibility ?


Whichever way you cut it, this is another life taken needlessly. Don't waste tax payers money on keeping this animal in prison for Year's, hang the Bar Steward.

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Years ago I did a stint of private hire taxi driving over the Christmas and new year for a bit of extra cash.

After we had done our hours it was common practice to go "pirating" that is to say picking up fare off the streets with the cash going straight into the drivers pocket.

The taxi trade in now mainly in the hands of a certain ethnicity and not a night goes by in my local evening paper that you dont see one of these ethnics up in court for "pirating" or sexually assaulting a female fare. take this post as you like but do not accuse me of being racist because what I have written is fact.

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knight of the road - 2011-03-25 5:57 PM


Years ago I did a stint of private hire taxi driving over the Christmas and new year for a bit of extra cash.

After we had done our hours it was common practice to go "pirating" that is to say picking up fare off the streets with the cash going straight into the drivers pocket.

The taxi trade in now mainly in the hands of a certain ethnicity and not a night goes by in my local evening paper that you dont see one of these ethnics up in court for "pirating" or sexually assaulting a female fare. take this post as you like but do not accuse me of being racist because what I have written is fact.


Not disputing that what you have said may be the case. However, this incident the 'alleged' suspect (not charged yet) is a white, british male.

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I am well aware that the taxi driver involved in this case is a white British male, all I was pointing out is that in greater Manchester and no doubt everywhere else the private hire business is now run by the ethnics that I mentioned, not only pirating which is against the law but also sexual assaults on lone females and also the running of drugs which seems to be the norm amongst these people.

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Guest pelmetman
Peter James - 2011-03-25 12:08 PM

Its harder to decide whether the criminal justice system is competent to dish out death sentences fairly. I think thats what most people have a problem with.


With the advances in DNA the ability to prove guilt beyond doubt has moved on leaps and bounds.


I fail to see the reason for paying to keep mass murderers incarcerated and in more comfort and better fed than many pensioners *-)

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knight of the road - 2011-03-25 7:36 PM


all I was pointing out is that in greater Manchester and no doubt everywhere else the private hire business is now run by the ethnics that I mentioned, not only pirating which is against the law but also sexual assaults on lone females and also the running of drugs which seems to be the norm amongst these people.


And you say that this is a balanced statement ? Your post reads that the private hire business(Manchester and Everywhere Else) is now run by Ethnics who you also appear to intimate are the ones pirating, commiting sexual assualts on lone females and also running drugs.


Now I am not disputing that the people you describe may well be involved in all of the activity you indicate, but the tone and words you have used would have people believe that such activities are only conducted by such Ethnics and not also by UK citizens who are White and British.


Look, I am not trying to pick a fight with you, you stated in your initial post that you were not racist but the words you have used indicate otherwise.


I don't care what Nationality these offenders are, colour of their skin, political beliefs, all of the crimes you describe are wrong, whoever commits them. ;-)

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