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Murdered Girl


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Big Momma - 2011-03-25 10:01 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-25 7:36 PM


all I was pointing out is that in greater Manchester and no doubt everywhere else the private hire business is now run by the ethnics that I mentioned, not only pirating which is against the law but also sexual assaults on lone females and also the running of drugs which seems to be the norm amongst these people.


And you say that this is a balanced statement ? Your post reads that the private hire business(Manchester and Everywhere Else) is now run by Ethnics who you also appear to intimate are the ones pirating, commiting sexual assualts on lone females and also running drugs.


Now I am not disputing that the people you describe may well be involved in all of the activity you indicate, but the tone and words you have used would have people believe that such activities are only conducted by such Ethnics and not also by UK citizens who are White and British.


Look, I am not trying to pick a fight with you, you stated in your initial post that you were not racist but the words you have used indicate otherwise.


I don't care what Nationality these offenders are, colour of their skin, political beliefs, all of the crimes you describe are wrong, whoever commits them. ;-)



You can pick a fight with me anytime cos I will fight you to the death, what I am saying is this, in my area the private hire taxi trade is almost totally run by these particular ethnics, I will leave you to figure out who I mean that way I cannot be accused of pointing a finger at any one particular group, it is an undisputed fact that in this area the instances that I have quoted are growing and becoming a big problem here in Manchester, and I do not deny that there have been some sexual assaults committed by some white British private hire drivers. I dont hold sway with political correctness and will say what I think and this is backed up by talking to white British private hire drivers that I know.

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antony1969 - 2011-03-25 5:45 PM


Well said Big Momma , hang em , I will even offer to be the hangman . Middle of Huddersfield town center every Saturday afternoon all the crap I'll do it for free



Could you actually pull that lever that sends a man to eternity?

I have met and spoken to two hangmen in years gone by, Albert Pierrpoint and Harry Allan, neither one of them looked like what you would think a hangman looks like.

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When reading about a particularly brutal murder ones first thought is to hang the killer, but then my mind goes back to Timothy Evans (hanged) and Stefan Kisko (served 16 years) both were innocent.

No, I would prefer the killer to serve the rest of his life in jail just like Ian Brady, it might be said that jail is an easy touch, yes it is if you are only spending a short time in jail, but for the rest of your natural life? dont think there will be much pleasure in that will there.

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A death penalty should be available for some classes of murder.


Premeditatated or multiple murders where the evidence of guilt is overwhelming would be top of the list. The jury still decide the verdict and the judge can really earn his crust.


As a policeman I declined to carry a gun as I saw no reason to act as judge jury and executioner in a split second on a constables pay when the highly paid justice system with all the time in the world todecide declined to do the job.


No one need perform the act of killing just remove the right to life. Lock the offendor in a room with a mug of water and a lethal tablet. They can then chose to die the easy or hard way, Its twice the choice they gave their victim.


Made retrospective it could be quite cost effective.

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Guest Peter James
pelmetman - 2011-03-25 8:41 PM


With the advances in DNA the ability to prove guilt beyond doubt has moved on leaps and bounds.


Anyone who has had any involvement with forensic science knows it is not all it is cracked up to be. What usually happens is that the Crown Prosecution Service hires an 'Expert' with our money to give the evidence they want Then, if they can afford it, the defence hires another 'Expert' to give a different opinion.


Fingerprints were once hailed as infallible, nowadays 2 different 'Experts' will give 2 different opinions as to whether a fingerprint came from a particular person or not. As it is often not practical to bring a fingerprint into court (if it is on a large object), the fingerprint is 'lifted' on to a piece of tape or something. Then you only have the word of an individual as to where that fingerprint was taken from, and it has been proven in some cases that fingerprints could not have been lifted from the surfaces that Police Officers have sworn they were lifted from. DNA evidence is 'lifted' in a similar way.


Closed circuit TV was once hailed as infallible proof, until people realised how hard it is to identify someone from a poor picture, after people were wrongly convicted on TV evidence.


DNA is still fairly new, and if past experience is anything to go by, we will eventually realise that, just like everything else, that is not all it has been made out to be - even if it has been lifted from where the Police Officer swears it was lifted from, and even if it hasn't been planted.

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Guest Peter James
donna miller - 2011-03-25 12:29 PM


Peter James - 2011-03-25 12:14 PM


. Ignoring the fact that most of it does not go to the benefit claimant. It goes to a private Landlord to pay for the cheapest accommodation available.


Totally untrue, housing benefit is paid direct to the claimant unless they are in social housing, private landlords have to rely on the tenant paying up, and can only approach the council/dss after the rent is 8 weeks in arrears.

Even then they have to attempt to get the arrears from the tenant, as the council/dss have already paid the money.


Some landlords prefer to receive the rent from the tenant because that makes the tenant more vulnerable.


OK there may be some cases where the tenant does not pass the rent on, but they won't get away with that for long. But, by and large, the huge sums we see paid out in benefits are going to landlords in places like London where accommodation is so scarce they can name their own price.

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Guest Peter James
malc d - 2011-03-25 1:41 PM


We are often told that prison doesn't work, because the same people go back time and time again.


What I never hear anyone ask is :

Why is it that they don't mind going back ?


Presumably they quite like it. If so - why ?


(Maybe their standard of living goes up too far).




What other opportunities are open to them when they come out?


If you think prison is so soft why don't you try it *-)

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Guest Peter James
George Collings - 2011-03-25 2:11 PM


Back before taking prisoners from court to prison was privatised I took a good many to the local nick.


As one of them going back for the umpteenth time put it " Time is no hassle, three squares a day and meet your mates".


Too full = too nice.





The main concern of many prisoners is to avoid being bullied. So they pretend they are so hard that prison is a holiday camp to them.

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Guest Peter James
Big Momma - 2011-03-25 6:27 PM

the 'alleged' suspect (not charged yet) is a white, british male.



We sometimes see the same prejudice against single men. Yes the worst criminals I can think of, Fred West, Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Huntley etc were all married.

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Peter James - 2011-03-26 9:00 AM


malc d - 2011-03-25 1:41 PM


We are often told that prison doesn't work, because the same people go back time and time again.


What I never hear anyone ask is :

Why is it that they don't mind going back ?


Presumably they quite like it. If so - why ?


(Maybe their standard of living goes up too far).




What other opportunities are open to them when they come out?


If you think prison is so soft why don't you try it *-)





I have not suggested that prison is soft.


I have no idea what they are like to stay in - and thanks for the offer, but I have no plans to try them out.


I am simply saying that for some reason, unknown to me, the idea of going back inside doesn't bother a lot of people.


If it it supposed to be a deterrent - it's not working for a lot of people.




p.s. and they do have a choice before they go in.

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Guest pelmetman
knight of the road - 2011-03-26 9:14 AM


I have been questioned by the police on two murders, the first was on a local woman and the second was on the Yorkshire ripper, I wasn't charged of course.


I once did a job in Belgravia London, mega posh penthouse flat :D

It was a rush job, did one part before Christmas where I was let in by the Russian house keeper, and met the owners a couple of Russian Brothers.


Went back in the new year to do some more work and a different pair of Russians came to the door :-S They obviously were not expecting us, as they had a long conversation in their lingo before letting us in.


Well we worked there all day with one of them watching us most of the time *-) Didn't get offered a cup of tea or anything.............typical bloody foriegners I thought *-)


Next day I got a phone call from New Scotland Yard 8-) Had I been at the Penthouse etc etc........Yes I said :D .....Right they said a detective is on his way to interview you and your helper 8-)


Turned out the original Russians were still there in the main bedroom, they had been shot in the head 8-) ..............Sue always said I never notice an atmosphere :D



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Guest pelmetman
malc d - 2011-03-26 12:11 PM




Do many of your customers commit suicide ???




Only when I give them the bill :D (lol)

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Prison is not a deterrent , it is in many career criminals lives part of the job that every so often they do a stint inside ,simple as . If as stated by others prison was such a horrendous place then these wasters would not want to return would they . Send em to the Bangkok Hilton for a stretch then see if they want to return .
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If you are found guilty of murder and sentenced to death that is it, end of, the killers problems are all over.

Relatives and friends of the murder victim have got their revenge but if you are sentenced to spend the rest of your natural life in prison every day is a living hell, everyones hand is against you, fellow inmates and prison staff alike.

Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady, Ian Huntley and many others have been attacked and badly injured whilst in prison, you never know the minute when a violent attack is going to be made on you, so I dont think life in prison for these people is a soft option

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pelmetman - 2011-03-25 11:33 AM


Bring back hanging >:-(


Well yes that is the knee jerk reaction :-S but what about the innocent like the estranged husband of Linda Razzell that was found guilty and convicted of her murder ? he has been in prison since 2003 ! and she is the other body that they are looking for ! this low life has admitted to murdering.

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Guest pelmetman
maggyd - 2011-03-26 4:55 PM


Well yes that is the knee jerk reaction :-S but what about the innocent like the estranged husband of Linda Razzell that was found guilty and convicted of her murder ? he has been in prison since 2003 ! and she is the other body that they are looking for ! this low life has admitted to murdering.


Not quite Knee jerk Maggy, I have thought it for a long time.


I believe that if a person is so irredeemabley wicked as to commit multiple murders then they forfeit their right to life :-|


I am not talking about crimes of passion, or where a person is mentally unstable, to my mind Ruth Ellis should not of been hung *-)



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I dont know any murderers but I do unfortunately know and know of a number of shady characters who have been on holiday in our prison system and they say the same , piece of cake , no problem doing time . The only time I have heard anything negative about going inside was after talking to a Scot who had just done a spell in Barlynnie ( hope the spelling is right ) and ha said it was not much fun in there
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knight of the road - 2011-03-25 10:52 PM


all I was pointing out is that in greater Manchester and no doubt everywhere else the private hire business is now run by the ethnics that I mentioned, not only pirating which is against the law but also sexual assaults on lone females and also the running of drugs which seems to be the norm amongst these people.


And you say that this is a balanced statement ? Your post reads that the private hire business(Manchester and Everywhere Else) is now run by Ethnics who you also appear to intimate are the ones pirating, commiting sexual assualts on lone females and also running drugs.


Now I am not disputing that the people you describe may well be involved in all of the activity you indicate, but the tone and words you have used would have people believe that such activities are only conducted by such Ethnics and not also by UK citizens who are White and British.


Look, I am not trying to pick a fight with you, you stated in your initial post that you were not racist but the words you have used indicate otherwise.


I don't care what Nationality these offenders are, colour of their skin, political beliefs, all of the crimes you describe are wrong, whoever commits them. ;-)



You can pick a fight with me anytime cos I will fight you to the death, what I am saying is this, in my area the private hire taxi trade is almost totally run by these particular ethnics, I will leave you to figure out who I mean that way I cannot be accused of pointing a finger at any one particular group, it is an undisputed fact that in this area the instances that I have quoted are growing and becoming a big problem here in Manchester, and I do not deny that there have been some sexual assaults committed by some white British private hire drivers. I dont hold sway with political correctness and will say what I think and this is backed up by talking to white British private hire drivers that I know.


What on earth are you on !! I said, I am NOT looking to pick a fight and you respond "You can pick a fight with me anytime cos I will fight you to the death".......... Duh *-)


I your earlier post you stated "Manchester and no doubt everywhere else" and now you change your wording to just Manchester" - Duh *-)


I'll have a couple of pints of whatever you've been drinking :D

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Guest Peter James
knight of the road - 2011-03-26 3:58 PM


If you are found guilty of murder and sentenced to death that is it, end of, the killers problems are all over.

Relatives and friends of the murder victim have got their revenge but if you are sentenced to spend the rest of your natural life in prison every day is a living hell, everyones hand is against you, fellow inmates and prison staff alike.

Peter Sutcliffe, Ian Brady, Ian Huntley and many others have been attacked and badly injured whilst in prison, you never know the minute when a violent attack is going to be made on you, so I dont think life in prison for these people is a soft option




Last I heard Ian Brady was being force fed every day, he had stopped eating because it was the only way he could end his life. But you will still get people on here regurgitating the s**te they have read in the gutter press saying prison is a holiday camp. FFS They will say anything to sell papers!!


Read between the lines. Imagine you are in prison. If someone picks on you, you can't get away from them, and you can't grass on them or it will be worse. If you go around saying how you are struggling to cope you are just making yourself look weak and vulnerable. If you pretend prison is soft compared to what you are used to, the bullies might think twice before picking on you.

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Big Momma - 2011-03-26 5:22 PM


knight of the road - 2011-03-25 10:52 PM


all I was pointing out is that in greater Manchester and no doubt everywhere else the private hire business is now run by the ethnics that I mentioned, not only pirating which is against the law but also sexual assaults on lone females and also the running of drugs which seems to be the norm amongst these people.


And you say that this is a balanced statement ? Your post reads that the private hire business(Manchester and Everywhere Else) is now run by Ethnics who you also appear to intimate are the ones pirating, commiting sexual assualts on lone females and also running drugs.


Now I am not disputing that the people you describe may well be involved in all of the activity you indicate, but the tone and words you have used would have people believe that such activities are only conducted by such Ethnics and not also by UK citizens who are White and British.


Look, I am not trying to pick a fight with you, you stated in your initial post that you were not racist but the words you have used indicate otherwise.


I don't care what Nationality these offenders are, colour of their skin, political beliefs, all of the crimes you describe are wrong, whoever commits them. ;-)



You can pick a fight with me anytime cos I will fight you to the death, what I am saying is this, in my area the private hire taxi trade is almost totally run by these particular ethnics, I will leave you to figure out who I mean that way I cannot be accused of pointing a finger at any one particular group, it is an undisputed fact that in this area the instances that I have quoted are growing and becoming a big problem here in Manchester, and I do not deny that there have been some sexual assaults committed by some white British private hire drivers. I dont hold sway with political correctness and will say what I think and this is backed up by talking to white British private hire drivers that I know.


What on earth are you on !! I said, I am NOT looking to pick a fight and you respond "You can pick a fight with me anytime cos I will fight you to the death".......... Duh *-)


I your earlier post you stated "Manchester and no doubt everywhere else" and now you change your wording to just Manchester" - Duh *-)


I'll have a couple of pints of whatever you've been drinking :D


I will go back to my original statement to please you, Manchester and no doubt every where else, you wont get much of a kick from what I drink, I only drink decaff tea with milk and 2 sugars.

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Just imagine being in prison, the constant noise the banging and clanging of cell doors, shouts and screams 24 hours a day.

Nowhere to go for a quiet moments reflection, no trustworthy friend to watch your back, having to act tough to protect yourself from bullying.

I have been in Strangeways, no not as an inmate but a contractor and I have seen and heard what everyday prison life is about.

Ian Brady has been on hunger strike for quite a few years now, lots of people say well let him die, but no he has been sentenced to life and the authoritys are going to make sure he lives to suffer every day of his natural life.

I come from the greater Manchester area and the Moors murders still evoke hatred and revulsion for Brady and Hindley even to this day 40 years on.

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Peter , your posts come across as though you have symapthy for this vile crap you talk about . Maybe some people might like Brady to end his life the way he snuffed out Ian Bennett and Leslie Anne Downy and maybe denying him an easy cop out and force feeding him is a little bit of justice he deserves . The press dont form my opinion on prison as I previously posted I know folk who have done time and they tell me . Liberal dogooder comes to mind
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