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MMM May issue

Lucie Cranfield

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Guest Tracker
Thanks for letting us know Lucie - it's always nice to know that Warners are trying - would you like any feedback as to when they actually arrive?
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Why? It's only the 1st of April, MMM used to come out on the 23rd of the proceeding month that is plenty early enough for me.


Looks like you are trying to compete with the competition who now bring their mag out over a month before publication date.


Oh well at least this post has reminded me to cancel my subscription.

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paulmold - 2011-04-02 10:08 AM


There are 13 issues a year now so the dates are likely to get earlier each month. Don't ask what they will call the extra edition as it can't be a month name can it?


Awards Edition...Show Special...Touring Special... New Van Special...Take Your Pick... Review of the Year...the list is endless really!!!

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Tracker - 2011-04-01 4:48 PM


Thanks for letting us know Lucie - it's always nice to know that Warners are trying - would you like any feedback as to when they actually arrive?


Yes please, we would be interested in knowing exactly when these copies arrive with subscribers.


By the way, I appreciate all the suggestions on what the 13th issue should be called, but to end the rumours, it will simply be called the MMM 'summer special'.


Hope you enjoy it when it arrives!


And hope you see you at Peterborough in a couple of weeks.






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Petra - 2011-04-04 12:26 PM


We have just received our May issue, it wasn't an April Fool after all, but it looks like the Travel will only cover the UK now. Looks like I'll be cancelling my subscription.



Where did you get the " UK only " from ?


Have a look at page 95.





p.s. It's arrived in Northants

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It has arrived in the Highlands, too - but I haven't finished the last one yet ........... as summer comes around I have less time to read, so I, too may have to cancel sub. and just buy as/when time allows. Personally I think 13 copies per year are too many.
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yeti - 2011-04-04 3:29 PM


Mine came today, I was especially interested in the article on Wirral. Pretty interesting but a few locations missed out. Must have been a Press release from the Council or Merseytravel.


It certainly wasn't a press release. It is a personal account of a week on the Wirral. Like any feature in any magazine there is a limit on the number of words allowed so it is inevitable some locations will be missed. Personally I only write in detail about places I've actually visited although other places may be mentioned briefly. I'm glad you found the feature interesting and hope it inspires other motorcaravanners to visit the area.



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