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Information on Caen

Keith T

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We are going to tour Northern France/Normandy in the next 3/4 weeeks, and wonder about campsites in or near Caen. I cannot find anything listed, not any Aires.

I am sure there must be somehting, as I beleive Caen could be quite an intereesting city (away from the docks!)

Any information/ advice) gratefully received! Thanks

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Stayed t the aires in Ouistreham right down at the port. Now chargeable by card but you get ?? litres of water. Be prepared for early morning calls as the ferries can be a bit noisy. There is a camp site as you enter just past the Carafour?? on the right hand side at the first roundabout.


Regular and cheap bus service into Caen

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The aire at Ouistreham is right by the ferry. Not been on there as it's always been packed when we've seen it.

There's a convenient campsite just on the edge of Ouistreham, on the road to Caen, called Les Pommiers. O.K. for overnight and very convenient for return ferry as it's about 1 mile from ferry terminal, and exit barrier is automatic for early morning departure.

Friendly staff but facilities not very inviting.


To the west of Caen, on the motorway towards Brittany, there is a nice little municipal site at Pont Farcy, very easy access minutes from the motorway.


If you look up sites under Ouistreham, rather than Caen, I'm sure there are more.








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Keith T - 2011-04-03 11:45 AM


We are going to tour Northern France/Normandy in the next 3/4 weeeks, and wonder about campsites in or near Caen. I cannot find anything listed, not any Aires.

I am sure there must be somehting, as I beleive Caen could be quite an intereesting city (away from the docks!)

Any information/ advice) gratefully received! Thanks


One thing that can be said about Caen is that it is definately not interesting, unless you like concrete. Now concrete can be interesting, but Caen isn't, it was rebuilt after being bombed flat by the allies and then used as the hinge for the allies to pivot the whole invasion front on before breaking out in the rush for the Rhine.


You may even have trouble getting away from the docks the Caen ring road can be very congested, but if you're interested in seeing it give it a go.

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"One thing that can be said about Caen is that it is definately not interesting"


Totally disagree. Like all cities you need to look for and explore. It has loads of intersting buildings with, superb archirecture, and beautiful gardens. When you get bored with seeing the historical buildings which have been superbly renovated you can wonder down to the marina which will make you feel very poor with all the beautiful boats moored..money money money. Along the south side of the marina there are loads of really great restaurants, and loads of open spaces in many parts of the city to stroll and take in the french atmosphere.


The last business trip I had with my company before I left was to Caen with a group of French, Swedish , Scottish and Estionian Engineers and is the best business trip EVER made. We were taken around sightseeing by someone from RVI (Renault) and was fascinating. Truly well worth a visit for the mix of old and new and a vist to the castle grounds wil give you a panoramic view of the city.

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Brambles - 2011-04-03 2:45 PM


"One thing that can be said about Caen is that it is definately not interesting"


Totally disagree. Like all cities you need to look for and explore. It has loads of intersting buildings with, superb archirecture, and beautiful gardens. When you get bored with seeing the historical buildings which have been superbly renovated you can wonder down to the marina which will make you feel very poor with all the beautiful boats moored..money money money. Along the south side of the marina there are loads of really great restaurants, and loads of open spaces in many parts of the city to stroll and take in the french atmosphere.


The last business trip I had with my company before I left was to Caen with a group of French, Swedish , Scottish and Estionian Engineers and is the best business trip EVER made. We were taken around sightseeing by someone from RVI (Renault) and was fascinating. Truly well worth a visit for the mix of old and new and a vist to the castle grounds wil give you a panoramic view of the city.


Horses for courses.

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hi, re caen, been there 100,s of times and yes you need to look for the interesting bits. the castle is a let down as there is nothing inside that you are allowed to see. the churches are nice, and the oldest house in caen dates from the early 15th cen, as for the warhammer games shop, the house is on the same street, as you walk up hill it will be on your right, look for a little alley way and its down there and still lived in.

there is a motorhome stop over at the ww11 museum on the bayeux ring road, ask in the museum. michael

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