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In preparation


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In preparation for going away next saturday the wife and I gave the M/H a good coat of looking at, I was underneath checking that all was sound, nothing loose or coming adrift and that the spare tyre was at the correct PSI and all was well under the bonnet.

Gave it a good wash and polish and sorted out through the cupboards, surprising what junk you accumulate over a period of time, everything seems ship shape and Bristol fashion so it is away we go next week.

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My cousin Johnny and his wife also have a M/H and always tag on behind us when we go away, he is the kind of guy that would get lost if he moves out of his own street.

He has all the electronic gizmo's but does not know how to use them, mobile phone, does not know how to send and retrieve text messages, or take pictures, digital camera and movie camera, he has a fuzion speed camera detector does not know how to set it.

He also has a Tom Tom sat-nav which baffles him, I've tried to show him but you are just peeing in the wind, I've told him to just sit down and fiddle about with them to figure out how they work, but its a waste of time, like talking to a brick wall, but then again who am I to talk I'm the one who can't even upload a picture on here (lol)

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