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Well I agree with you Mondo - not that I ever argue with anyone - and with our very own Splinx looking after us it should get even better as time passes!


With 54 people now online - including two of 'The Management' - it looks as if more people than ever prefer OAL to Holby City!

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I do not like the faint and half heated text presentation when filling in the post page.


My sight is not brilliant and I have to stare at it hard and closer to be able to see it correctly. After its accepted and reprinted its OK but certainly not before when typing the message.



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As a self-confessed Luddite, I suppose I ought to comment about the new look.


I imagine all the white background is meant to make it look fresh and new. However, I think it looks pale, bare and insipid.

Agree with most of the other comments about the font not being as easy to read, and I've got me strong specs on too. 8-)

Suppose like everything else, I'll get used to it. *-)

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First time I have found it, initial impressions - well guess we'll get used to it, but maybe I am missing something, as the old one was easier to navigate! I think perhaps it was the instant access to all recent postings, which is what I assume other contributors have called the 'preview' - yes if so, defini tely needs re-instating.
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As I posted on the other thread, I do like the new look but agree that the preview was useful. Personally I have no problem with the colours - quite restful really. However, I am now noticing that the page headings are very deep which means I have to drag down before I can see the thread heading or any of the first post. It might be my old laptop but it seems much slower to type anything too.


Just submitted this and the review button seems to be there now.

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Not sure why yet, but I am finding it VERY difficult to read. the text seems harder to read and I am colour blind so that doesn't help, having all colours blending in the same makes it hard to see for me.

Where is the Preview button?



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Like many new fangled ideas in life, they are hardly ever better just different,


Some people never understand that black on white is the perfect combination. No doubt a new designer trying to justify his salary. Well it don't work!!


I shall not be bothering to make a post until its improved.




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Print is harder to read especially when the majority of subscribers on here are over 40 when eye sight is not at its premium.


The only colour problem I have had is trying to read names, green on grey is a bit of a daft mixture.


Guess we will just have to like it or lump it though.



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Guest pelmetman
Brian Kirby - 2011-04-05 10:29 PM


Well, if you don't like the font, you can always change it, not necessarily for the better!


How did you change it Brian (?)

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Guest pelmetman
pelmetman - 2011-04-06 8:00 AM


Brian Kirby - 2011-04-05 10:29 PM


Well, if you don't like the font, you can always change it, not necessarily for the better!


How did you change it Brian (?)


Lets see if this works?...........................Nope!.... just tried writing it in a different font using Microsoft works :-S

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As a temp measure, or for those needing larger text in general, most browsers have zoom function.

Look under browsers View menu for zoom. Has a short cut you can try ctrl and + keys together. ctrl and - keys to zoom back out. Works with many browsers.

Part fo the reason many websites are developed with small text these days is programmers use massive 22 inch screens and so do not see how small the text is, also many programmers being young chaps have really good eyesight and do not recognise the problem we oldies have with our eyes.


So we all need larger text . The text and fonts for rest of page apart from posts seems fine. Although do not like the [green] green [/green] text used for names.



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Guest pelmetman

I find the white background far too harsh and sterile looking.


Would also like to see a line under each posting.


Can't really see what was wrong with how it was :-S



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Green on Blue are not the easiest colours for me.

(seem to remember they should not be seen together

or was that blouses and skirts)


As for the text Black on (pale) Yellow would be much better.

(rear number plates for example)


Now run screen at 125%.


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I too miss the preview window, very useful when replying to quotes when you edit the quote.


Reading the thread is nice and clear apart from the name in green.


Do not like the thread index I find it much harder to find a thread when scanning down quickly prefer the old table version.



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I agree about the font.

And when posting, the text you're writing is even fainter!

I've already got my browser set to 125%, and I'm wearing my "computer specs!"


But I think I've discovered the trick Brambles used to create bold text - you start with a "b" in square brackets. That's what I've done here anyway.


OK, over to the Management now. Two questions:


1) Are you going to listen to these responses from loyal Forum members, and reinstate some legible fonts and colour schemes, or are you going to stick with the clever desginers who prefer "style over substance?"


2) Can you remind us why this revamp was needed, and what, if anything, you think you've improved? (apart from "it looks nicer," which really doesn't carry any clout against "usability.")


Looking forward to some answers before I post any more - especially given my second sentence above.


EDIT: Just been over to "another" motorhome mag forum - THEY'VE still got nice clear fonts, black on white, which are easy to read on 100% zoom (and maybe even less). Maybe we should continue the discussion over there, and just let OAL management listen in? :D


Just thought of one BIG improvement though - all the adverts are now down the RH side, so if you DO zoom to 150% (or more!) you can lose them altogether. Now THAT'S what I call an improvement - wonder how long it'll last? :D

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