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Deaded moss


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I sprayed one of my back lawns yesterday with Maxicrop moss killer, within ten minutes the moss turned black and was deaded as a Dodo, will scarify it when I get back off my hols.

One last job to do in the morning then its tools down for a weeks chillin.

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Guest pelmetman

I've got a bit of a moss problem this year, its been a bad winter and the garden has really suffered.


Is that stuff only available to the trade Malcolm? and I assume I would need a sprayer rather than a spreader (?)

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pelmetman - 2011-04-08 8:25 AM


I,ve got a bit of a moss problem this year, its been a bad winter and the garden has really suffered.


Is that stuff only available to the trade Malcolm? and I assume I would need a sprayer rather than a spreader (?)


Grass stops growing at 10 degree's centigrade but the moss continues to grow and only stops at 6C, moss is the first sign of nature reclaiming its own.

Maxicrop 1 is a pure mosskiller with a high iron content and is made from a seaweed extract, it costs £31.75 plus VAT for 10 ltrs, applied by spray in a diluted form, advantages..... immediate results, disadvantages... very heavy when using a 15 ltr backpack sprayer.

granular treatments, good but you need a really good applicator or you risk overdosing and scorching the lawn, I prefer a broadcast spreader rather than a drop spreader.

A broadcaster will give a spread of 3 metres so you can cover a lot of ground, as with any chemicals ALWAYS read up on the instructions.

There is Maxicrop 1, 2, 3, and 4 to cope with all manner of lawn problems, once applied the moss turns black then it is ready for scarifying a harsh but essential treatment for cultvated lawns, I then reseed with seed that includes rye grass to give the lawn a boost, dont use seed without rye grass or you will have to cut your grass 3 times a week (lol)

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Guest pelmetman
There you go Malcolm :D I've solved your quiet spell..................stick the trailer on the camper and load it with your scarifer and sprayer, and you could have a real busmans holiday going round our gardens sorting out our moss problems ;-) ..............
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Guest pelmetman

Seeing as you are the font of all knowledge regarding lawns Malcolm :D


I used to have "Green Thumb" in to treat my grass, but the stuff they used seem to exacerbate a Red thread problem we had, would the Maxicrop stuff help cure that aswell (?) :D

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pelmetman - 2011-04-08 12:42 PM


Seeing as you are the font of all knowledge regarding lawns Malcolm :D


I used to have "Green Thumb" in to treat my grass, but the stuff they used seem to exacerbate a Red thread problem we had, would the Maxicrop stuff help cure that aswell (?) :D



I have seen a lot of Greenthumbs work and I am not impressed, they seem to have far too many young kids doing the work who in my opinion dont have the experience.

The chemicals that I use cannot be bought from places like B&Q you can only buy them from professional lawn care suppliers.

Red thread is controlled by the application of Mascot Rayzor, maximum 4 treatments per year do not cut grass for at least 24 hours after treatment.

You can buy it in a five ltr container which in total will cover 2,500 square metres, dilution rate is 200mls to 5 litres of water which will cover 100 square metres, apply between autumn and spring when the grass is at it slowest growth, these are pro chemicals so be careful, always mask up and try a test patch first.

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Guest pelmetman

Thanks Malcolm, sounds like I've left it a bit late for this year :D...................I suspect by the time I've bought all the gear and chemicals (assuming they would supply non trade customers) it will be just as cheap to get someone in who knows what he doing :D .......................Your comments on Green Thumb reflect my experience, they have done the course learn't the sales patter but lack the in depth knowledge *-)


Just got to track someone down who knows his stuff, do you have a trade body who could recommend someone in my area (?)

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Apart from Greenthumb and one or two other outfits that supposedly do specialist grass work its a case of taking a chance, but always choose a mature type gardener and ask him if he does that kind of work. My advice is to do it yourself after a little burning of the midnight oil on grass care.

If you buy a drop or broadcast spreader make sure that it has a on and off control on the handle because if you stop forward travel to wipe your brow you will find a dollop of fertilizer on the ground which will burn the lawn, always start forward motion with the "gate" closed and then open up to your desired setting use a bit of insulation tape as a "stop" so that you dont overdose, easy peasy.

Another hint or tip, if you buy gear from B&Q dont pick a store in an affluent area because you will pay top dollar prices, always choose a store in a deprived area where the prices are much lower, unbelievable but true, they have different prices in different stores, I found that out by accident and was so amazed that I collared a store manager and he confirmed what I thought was true.

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Guest pelmetman

Thanks Malcolm,


I appreciate your time for a lawn anorack :D ..............................maybe I need help :$

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As someone who earns his living in the garden maintenance business I have to keep my 500 metres of grass in pristine condition, wouldn't do to have my lawns full of moss and weeds would it?

Apart from that my lawns are a free advertisement, surprising the amount of work I get after people have seen my lawns, just sold my old scarifyer to my son in law and buying a sooper de looper new one on monday.

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art338 - 2011-04-16 9:47 PM


Great stuff Malcolm,


We don't have 'lawns' we do have grass with countless wild flowers, even had an orchid two years ago, probably dropped off a visiting tyre, much more decorative to the eye, me thinks.




At the bottom of my garden over the fence there is a steep drop into what you might call a wooded valley, I bought that land some years ago and have cultivated it using surplus or discarded plants, bushes and shrubs that customers asked me to remove to the tip, as I can't bear to throw good stock away they ended up down my banking and with the scattering of a few packets of wildflower seeds and some nasturtiam seeds (spelling) it looks really nice.

When we do a garden clearout its amazing what customers ask us to get rid of plantwise, they just dont know the value of the unwanted stock.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I killed our moss off a few weeks ago but did not have time to scarify the lawns before we went off for the first extended trip of the year. Anticipating a lack of rain I sharpened the blades of the Honda and set them a little higher than usual for the Gardner to use (O.K. its our daughter who lives in the same village). When we came home I got the John Deer scarifier out ready to use only to find there was simply no trace of the moss and the lawn looked the best it has looked for a long time lush green and dense so I have left well alone and will continue to cut it at the new height. Obviously I will need to scarify it later in the year to remove any thatch.
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I did the business on my lawns a few weeks ago and the results are astounding, me and my son ably assisted by my grandson who we are taking on full time when he leaves school proper in a few weeks are going into the lawn care and weed control business as carried out by Greenthumb.

I have invested some heavy money on new equipment and chemicals, I bought my chemicals (which are not cheap) from Rigby Taylor who are a multi million pound outfit.

I had a technical question to ask Rigby Taylors but they couldn't answer it so I got in touch with the manufactures over in Dublin Ireland, not only did they give me the precise answers to my question they sent me a complimentary 10 litre pack of the chemical I was inquiring about, how's that for service?

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