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Omnistore awning - aluminium corrosion


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There is an aluminium casting bracket/hinge at the top of each of the extendable sprung legs of our Omnistore awning. The one at the front end of the van is corroding - white deposits (of aluminium oxide?) while the one at the back is pristine.

Presumably this is because the front one takes all the (acid) rain etc while on the move.

Anyone have any succesful prescriptions for treating & then preventing this corrosion?

I have heard that vinegar/water 1:2 is good to clean it, but how to protect it afterwards?

Jeremy the L'AimeDuck

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Just had a look at ours no signs of any corrosion although our van is a bit newer it spends it's life in a salty atmosphere as we are only a couple of hundred yards from the beach.


To protect if you could give a coat of clear lacquer or smear it with silicon grease or do both.

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hi, vinagar and water will work, just make sure you get it dry again. is there any other metal near the aluminium that can get into contact with it. if so this is the reason for the corrosion. once you have sorted out the rust, tape the section in contact with the other metal if any, if not use silicon to protect the metal.


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