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"rodent damage"??


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Owner of an Autoroller 500, late 2010 vintage, 1100 miles on the clock, Transit base.

Just "fettling" after a winter of comparative inactivity to find a cluster of dashboard warning lights (ABS, brake pad wear and handbrake) blazing at me.

A quick trip to the local Ford dealer reveals a "damaged wiring loom" , not covered by warranty, but "rodent damage" suspected. It overwintered on the drive and there is no internal evidence of unwanted guests!

As I write I am waiting to inspect the old loom.

Anyone with similar experience?


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After a rat chewed through the GPS cable on my alarm and the tubing to the screen washers I bought a portable battery operated rodent deterrent from Argos.


Does it work? Well it hasn't happened since I got it.


As I have had only one rodent problem in 30 years maybe I'll have to wait another 30 to say it works (lol)

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