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Alternative Voting System.


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spospe - 2011-04-12 3:53 PMIreland, Israel and Italy all have coalition governments, all are weak, all fail to work together properly for any length of time.If you are away on the day, get a postal vote.I prefer the present system.


My vote went in the post today! Didn't see any point in waiting.



One thing I object to in the FPTP system we have now is that not only do we get a party in power via a minority overall vote because that system gives seats and not representation by a percentage of the vote, but that the current system then allows the use of Government Whips whereby any poor sod of an MP that dares to vote against the party line gets bullied and threatened with all sorts.


This is hardly democracy is it?


One thing I want from AV is parties working and individuals together such that the Whips become an irrelevance.


In my mind every vote in the commons should be a free vote - the idea of party Whips is an affront to true democracy and if we have a chance to get rid of it by the AV system making it increasingly irrelevant than so much the better.



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