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Out of Pocket Expences


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We are having to take our Autosleeper back to the factory for some warranty work because the supplying dealer is fully booked is it normal to ask for compensation towards the cost of the fuel for the 260 mile round trip , it has been back to Marquis at Northampton twice for the same problem which was a 120 mile round trip each time ?
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Hi, About 4 years ago we had an Inca which suffered stress cracking on the roof panels. This was refered back to the dealer and allegedly on to AS and AS told local dealer to get a qoute. AS said the qoute was too expensive and wouldnt agree to use it so dealer said the van would have to go back to AS for fixing. The dealer said that it would have to be transported as they couldnt have a staff member being away and AS wouldnt pay for transport.


Eventually I agreed myself to drive up to AS and said I would expect them to pay my costs and overnight expenses. I made this clear in an email, and their response was to confirm time and date for repair work to be done, no mention of expenses.


I took van up, stayed overnight on local site, the van was fixed next day and I was told I could take it away. I then reminded them that my email formed part of the contract for repair work and as they had not refused expenses , I considered that they had accepted the contract in full, including refund of expenses.. They disagreed and declined expenses stating warranty conditions were that repairs were to be returned to factory at owners expense..


After pointing out that the factory paperwork showed their final examination showed that the repairs were to be done before release from the factory on initial delivery, and having a heated debate with their works inspector, he eventually had a word "higher up" with the finance man, and the net result was that a full tank of diesel appeared in the vehicle "as a gesture of goodwill"


Moral, check the warranty conditions, and get any agreement in writing, including any conditions you wish to impose eg" reclaim expenses" Such a message constitutes a contract, so they have to be alert .if they dont wish to pay up. It overides any warranty conditions if they dont respond in writing.





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I hope you get things sorted out satisfasctorily. I agree that it will be best to discuss things with AS before you take the van and have things in written or email form.

Just out of interest (and as a fellow AS owner) are you willing to say what the problems are with the van?

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We had to return our (new to us) AutoSleeper to Marquis at Tewksbury for a repair that should have been done before we took delivery. They reimbursed us the cost of the diesel for the round trip – about 150 miles – with no argument. Perhaps the crux of this situation was that it was an agreed problem that should have already have been cured. This was several years ago.


Catwg :-D

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Hi, Further to my previous reply on this subject, I am now reminded that the dealer is responsible for solving warranty problems, and it is up to him to argue the toss with AS about where or how the problem is resolved.. I wonder therefore whether or not the dealer has stated that they will or wont pursue the matter with AS on your behalf. If you dealer tells you to go back to AS, then it is down to him to argue about expenses. If as in my case AS wouldnt agree to have repair done by dealer's arrangement as they originally told dealer to try,, and have told dealer it has to go factory then in the first instance the dealer must in my view haggle with AS regarding method and cost of return. as in my case, you could offer to take van yourself, and suggest dealer either employs you to drive it yourself and pay expenses, or he employs someone on his own staff or another contract driver to take it back to AS.

It is the dealers problem to sort as your contract is with him


Again , as in my case, you might be able to get an ex gratia payment from AS, but I dont think you should count on it.




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My gut reaction is that if a M/home is brought from a dealer some miles away, it is the purchasers "problem" to a degree if the M/home has to returned to the dealer for fixing a fault.


I would expect a couple of trips to iron out problems, ( Thats why some Dealers recommed or even pay for a couple of nights at a local campsite to test the vehicle)


That said, If the problem was reoccuring, or a plague of problems due to bad delivery inspection, or being told to take it somewhere further to have the problem fixed. I would expext recompense.


If I got realy annoyed, I would work out my costs (hourly rate and milage) and persue a claim throught the small claims court. At least there would be some adjudication as to the fairness of the situation.




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